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Results: 346 items

Lysistrata by Aristophanes video icon

History & The Arts

Lysistrata by Aristophanes

Enjoy Aristophanes' comic account of one woman's extraordinary method of bringing The Peloponnesian War to an end in this classical studies animation. 

5 mins
The Persians by Aeschylus video icon

History & The Arts

The Persians by Aeschylus

In this animation of the Greek tragedy The Persians by Aeschylus, Persian king Xerxes wages war against Greece but his navy is defeated at Salamis.

5 mins
Aeroplane Design and Engineering activity icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Aeroplane Design and Engineering

Ever wondered what happens to lost luggage or why plane windows are the shape they are? Take a tour of our interactive aeroplane to find out.

20 mins
Finding the Truth activity icon

Society, Politics & Law

Finding the Truth

What do you really know about crime? Try our interactive 'Finding the Truth' to dig way beyond the surface of forensic psychology, corporate crime and the prison system. 

30 mins
Elements of the Periodic Table activity icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Elements of the Periodic Table

Explore the impact of chemical elements on our bodies, our world, and see how they changed the course of history

5 mins
Ideas about living sustainably activity icon

Nature & Environment

Ideas about living sustainably

Responding to the climate crisis can feel overwhelming. There are so many things we can do to be greener that it's hard to know where to start. 

10 mins
Convoy to Calais video icon

Society, Politics & Law

Convoy to Calais

How should we respond to humanitarian crises in other countries? Steve Pile explores the geographies that underlay the 2016 “Convoy to Calais” protest.

10 mins
What you need to know about carbon footprints video icon

Nature & Environment

What you need to know about carbon footprints

Jo Hand explores carbon footprints and how we can all make an environmental impact.

30 mins
Decolonising the Curriculum through the History of Mathematics video icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Decolonising the Curriculum through the History of Mathematics

As part of Black History Month, June Barrow-Green and Brigitte Stenhouse gave a presentation in which they explored how historical sources can be used to decolonise the mathematics curriculum.

10 mins
Discovering music through listening free course icon level 1: introductory icon

History & The Arts

Discovering music through listening

This free course, Discovering music through listening, will introduce you to the musical elements used by musicians to create a piece of music: pulse, tempo, metre, harmony, structure, texture, timbre and dynamics. You'll learn how to identify the different musical elements by taking a particular approach to listening to the music, known as ...

Free course
9 hrs
What is a literary festival? video icon

History & The Arts

What is a literary festival?

Literary festivals have gained traction in recent years, and perhaps one of the better-known literary festivals in the UK is ‘The Hay Festival of Literature & Arts’. 

10 mins
The importance of planning a musical performance video icon

History & The Arts

The importance of planning a musical performance

Many of us have had the festival experience as a spectator, but what’s it like to actually perform at a festival in front of hundreds of thousands of people? Dr Sean Williams, Lecturer in Music Technology, shares his experience DJing at Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert. 

10 mins