Science, Maths & Technology
Is there life on Europa?
The potential for an ocean on Jupiter’s moon Europa opens up the possibilities of it being habitable for life. With missions due to visit the moon in the coming decade, it is an exciting time for astrobiologists. This article explores why Europa might be a target in the search for life, and what the potential might be of finding it there.

Science, Maths & Technology
Europa’s icy shell
Jupiter’s moon Europa has a distinctive icy surface, with a network of cracks, ridges and chaotic terrain. These features are formed by powerful gravitational forces from Jupiter that reshape the moon’s landscape and offer clues about its geological activity. This article explains these features and the processes that underpin them.

Science, Maths & Technology
Studying design at The Open University: a rewarding journey
In this video, two design students share their distance learning journey and offer helpful tips to prospective students.

Science, Maths & Technology
How can we design for resilience?
The term ‘resilience’ has become a buzzword, yet endures as a meaningful concept offering a valuable toolset for design. This article, drawn from over a decade of practice in design for resilience, will suggest how resilience concepts can be enabling for working with urgent change and sustainability in design.

Health, Sports & Psychology
‘Making Food Allergies Your Business’ Podcast Series on safer dining
In the ever-evolving food industry, understanding food allergies has become crucial. This research and knowledge exchange project educates on what food allergies are and how they can severely affect health and wellbeing, and restrict social freedoms such as eating out of the home.

Science, Maths & Technology
What are the challenges and opportunities of urban artificial intelligence and robotics?
Formerly the preserve of science fiction, artificial intelligence (AI) is now increasingly embedded in technologies which underpin everyday life in our towns and cities. Indeed, cities of multiple intelligences which include both artificial and human ones have arrived.

Science, Maths & Technology
Introduction to differentiation
This free course is an introduction to differentiation. Section 1 looks at gradients of graphs and introduces differentiation from first principles. Section 2 looks at finding derivatives of simple functions. Section 3 introduces rates of change by looking at real life situations. Section 4 looks at using the derivative of a function to deduce ...

Science, Maths & Technology
Returning to STEM
This free badged course, Returning to STEM, offers useful skills and solutions to help you get back into a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM).
Science, Maths & Technology
Solving the perplexing mathematicians' problem of the spectre
In 2023, a UK maths enthusiast called David Smith discovered a shape that had one incredibly special property. Using copies of this shape, nicknamed ‘the spectre’, one can cover a flat surface forever – without the pattern repeating itself. This special property is called aperiodicity, and David’s discovery solved a problem that had been ...

Science, Maths & Technology
International Planetary Protection Week
The Inaugural International COSPAR Planetary Protection Week is 22–25 April so we’ve collated some FREE resources on protecting planetary bodies as humans explore extra-terrestrial environments.

Science, Maths & Technology
Planetary Protection of Icy Worlds
As our understanding of life and its potential beyond Earth improves, attention is moving towards smaller bodies, including moons and dwarf planets in the outer regions of our Solar System. But how can we strike a balance between exploring these new worlds and ensuring they remain unspoilt?

Science, Maths & Technology
Planetary Protection of Mars
Mars continues to be at the forefront of international space exploration programmes, but as plans to bring samples back from the red planet and perhaps even send humans there edge closer, how can we ensure we do not contaminate the very environment we’re interested in understanding more about?