4.4.1 Task-oriented behaviours
Estimating and planning
The project manager, or someone under his or her direction, has to collect information about what exactly needs to be done and how it is to be organised; how much it will cost and how long it will take; and the interdependencies of various tasks, skills and other resources. The results are a project plan and a project budget.
Assembling a team
A project team can make or break a project. Often the project manager has little say in who works on the project: people with the right skills may not be available. Even if the project manager has a free choice, the pool of people from whom he or she can select is limited. A project manager's skill lies in assembling people and making them into a team – motivating them, managing conflict and ensuring good communication.
Reporting and liaising
The project manager is the spokesperson for the project. It is his or her job to liaise with senior management, clients, regulatory bodies and everyone contributing to the project.
Putting tools in place
A number of tools exist to help manage and control projects, and to undertake estimating and reporting. Specific tools also exist for specific types of projects. The manager has to see that the appropriate tools for the jobs are, or are made, available.