In this free course, matrices are used as a concise way of representing systems of linear equations which occur frequently in mathematics. Section 1 looks at simultaneous linear equations in two and three unknowns and then generalises the ideas to systems of linear equations. Section 2 develops a strategy for solving systems of linear equations. Section 3 looks at the algebra of matrices and shows that matrices can be thought of as a generalisation of vectors. Section 4 introduces the inverse of a matrix. Section 5 uses systems of linear equations to introduce the determinant of a square matrix.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
use the method of Gauss-Jordan elimination to find the solutions of systems of simultaneous linear equations
solve a system of linear equations by row-reducing its augmented form
perform the matrix operations of addition, multiplication and transposition and express a system of simultaneous linear equations in matrix form
determine whether or not a given matrix is invertible and if it is, find its inverse
evaluate the determinant of a 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 matrix and use the determinant to determine whether or not a given 2 x 2 matrix is invertible.
Very engaging and easy to understand. Provided with lots of new insights and knowledge. However, there is no statement of participation or anything. Would like to have any certificate or activity record as proof of this course. Thank you so much for this course.