This free course examines the formulation and solution of small linear programming problems. Section 1 deals with the formulation of linear programming models, describing how mathematical models of suitable real-world problems can be constructed. Section 2 looks at graphical representations of two-dimensional models, considers some theoretical implications and examines the graphical solution of such models. Section 3 introduces the simplex method for solving linear programming models and Section 4 uses matrix notation to formalize the simplex method.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
formulate a given simplified description of a suitable real-world problem as a linear programming model in general, standard and canonical forms
sketch a graphical representation of a two-dimensional linear programming model given in general, standard or canonical form
classify a two-dimensional linear programming model by the type of its solution
solve a two-dimensional linear programming problem graphically
use the simplex method to solve small linear programming models by hand, given a basic feasible point.