You may find some of these resources helpful prior to starting your course and others may be useful during your course.
OpenLearn course | Approx. duration |
Strategic study techniques | 20 minutes |
Managing stress | 10 minutes |
Time management skills | 25 minutes |
Critical reading techniques | 25 minutes |
Notetaking techniques | 35 minutes |
Avoiding plagiarism | 5 minutes |
Giving presentations | 10 minutes |
Making the most of your learning style | 15 minutes |
Math resources
As lots of colleges courses contain a numeracy element so here are some maths resources which are aimed at helping you refresh your skills and move forward with confidence.
OpenLearn course | Approx. duration |
Maths help - a door to everyday maths | Various |
There are many more OpenLearn courses available which you can try if you want to and any skills which you develop through doing so will be useful as you continue your learning journey.
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