This free course, Equity – law and idea, gives you the opportunity to broaden your skills in and knowledge and understanding of legal principles. Beyond the confines of the Common Law of England and Wales Equity is rarely discussed or understood, but has long played a vital role in the social, economic, cultural and political life of the nation. As a principle of justice however, equity can be traced back millennia and found, for example, in many different forms of religious and political thought the world over. As law, Equity is important; as an idea, it is timeless.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
describe some basic features of the law of equity
critically evaluate and describe tensions between legal and philosophical accounts of equity
critically situate equity as both law and idea in contemporary socio-political and economic contexts.
This course was surprisingly detailed and I am shocked that equity is not offered in the choice modules for the Law Degree, It is absoltuely essentail to comprehend the history and arguements about Equity to keep up coming legal and law enthusiasts and future proffessonals aware of all the keys points made in this course. Unlike a differing review, I found the course to be thorough in gviing reference to sources and further reading for those of us who wish to. Thank you, I hope to take W302 as an addition to my Lawdegree.
I did not find this 'course' relevant to the current focus of the law of trusts. There were pages and pages of quotes from authors from 2 or 300 years ago, with zero focus on the practical application in today's setting.
There was little of the author's own ideas presented.