Co-Director of Counterpoints Arts, (a company engaging with refugee and migrant experiences through arts and cultural programmes) Áine O’Brien writes about the Who Are We? project for Run Riot:
Aine O'Brien unpacks the intentions of Who Are We
From The Open University Research website:
Interrogating identity and citizenship through art
Here on OpenLearn, discover how people came together to consider how we make sense of questions of citizenship at a time when those questions are so contentious:
Methods in Motion: As borders flex, how does citizenship change?
Another recent research project that used creative methods to co-produce knowledge about migration explored the experiences of migrant mothers:
Migrant mothers caring for the future
Currently the OU is leading a project that explores how to use creative methods for researching and co-producing knowledge with migrant families:
PASAR - Participation Arts and social Action in Research
Asset based community development is a powerful approach being used with a diverse network of communities and community organizations across the Connected Communities programme to help uncover and utilize their hidden potential, their tangible resources (such as spaces, services and infrastructures) and intangible qualities (such as creative talents, skills, knowledge, social and emotional capital):
Asset Mapping: Comparative approaches
A working paper reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of asset mapping and similar approaches:
Making sense of assets: Community asset mapping and related approaches for cultivating capacities
Traces Project is a multimedia learning project, focusing untold history of arts and culture contributions by people who have sought safety in the UK from conflict and persecution:
Traces Project
(Traces is produced by Counterpoint Arts with support from UNHCR)
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