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How can I learn from Who Are We?

Updated Thursday, 3 August 2017
There's much to discover - here's a starting point

This page was published over 7 years ago. Please be aware that due to the passage of time, the information provided on this page may be out of date or otherwise inaccurate, and any views or opinions expressed may no longer be relevant. Some technical elements such as audio-visual and interactive media may no longer work. For more detail, see how we deal with older content.

Flag design detail from Who Are We video

You can check the programme and browse through the artists’ profiles and the particular installations –You can find some material based on conversations between OU academics and artists, who have reflected upon commonalities in their research and work on how to explore questions of identity, citizenship and migration in deep and creative ways.

On the website we have documented some of the engagements between artists, academics, activists and participants in the event and beyond. Some of these include media materials and image galleries and short videos, showcasing some of the installations.

Media gallery from Who Are We? The media gallery

Giota Alevizou, the lead author in this unit, also has created a dedicated album on Flickr, with downloadable photos, licensed under Creative Commons.


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