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From Conversations on co-production to participants’ engagements

Updated Monday, 11 September 2017
Introducing the participatants in the projects, and exploring their ideas and motivations

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A conversation at Who Are We?

In the conversations and videos below, you will get the chance to read, see and listen to aspects of the artist – academic collaboration and knowledge exchange, leading to the co-production of the event. Aspects of the co-production have been informed by a participatory approach the arts and to research, and have aimed at fostering learning through arts and digital arts as well as social engagement.

The co-production of this work has been part of the knowledge exchange between academics and arts, and depended on encounters between artists and researchers, asking questions, exchanging stories, dispelling myths: “Literally,” as Áine O’Brien of Counterpoints Arts stated, “bringing the media and policy narratives into shared ground through urgent solidarity”.

You will then have the opportunity to explore how those interactions were complemented, during the event, by interactive aspects that invited public audiences to take part and to reflect on their own civic positioning, identity, and ethical responsibility towards aspects of citizenship, migration and the refugee crisis.


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