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The History of Money: Track 7


Where did money come from? How did people trade before inventing money? Was it a masterstroke or madness (or both) to let banks create money? Today money is generally accepted as payment for goods and services or repayment of debt. But governments still fret about whether there's too much (or too little) in circulation, economists can't agree on what it is, and the enduring popularity of alternative or crypto-currencies shows rumbling discontent with the official version. These 10 short animations chart the evolution of money from stones and whale teeth to modern monetary policy and banking, and takes a hard look at money's role in economic crises.

Track 7: Money and building banks

How do banks make money?

Tracks in this podcast:

Track Title Description
1 Early Money Where did the need for money come from? Play now Early Money
2 Metal Money Why did we start making money out of metal? Play now Metal Money
3 Paper Money The benefits of using paper money. Play now Paper Money
4 Controlling Money Complications of trying to control money. Play now Controlling Money
5 Money and Inflation What’s the connection between money and inflation? Play now Money and Inflation
6 International Money How did British pounds trigger the American War of Independence? Play now International Money
7 Money and building banks How do banks make money? Play now Money and building banks
8 Money and saving the banks Tackling financial meltdown Play now Money and saving the banks
9 The power of money Why does the world trade in US dollars? Play now The power of money
10 Future money What type of money will we use in the future? Play now Future money
11 Understanding Debt in 2 minutes A quick over view of private and public debt Play now Understanding Debt in 2 minutes

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