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Clickety Clack: a railway poem article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Clickety Clack: a railway poem

Lois Nicholson’s poem highlights the contribution made by women workers on the railway when the men went to war. Fast forward to the present day, and women are still fighting for equality.

5 mins
Struggling to be heard: One woman’s video story video icon

Society, Politics & Law

Struggling to be heard: One woman’s video story

Gwen McNeil tells us about life as a Train Conductor and highlights the everyday struggles that face many women workers on the railway.

5 mins
Trade Union membership cards - more than just a card article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Trade Union membership cards - more than just a card

Membership cards and diaries have a story to tell, charting work history and helping to keep memories alive. Ann Henderson has kept hers from her time in the railway industry and here she tells us her story.

5 mins
Advancing Black leadership free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Society, Politics & Law

Advancing Black leadership

In this free course, learners will develop and explore skills to empower themselves as leaders.

Free course
24 hrs
Detecting fake images article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Detecting fake images

Is seeing believing, or have we all become a bit cynical with the rise of fake news? Read on as Patrick Wong shares some tips on how to detect a fake image.

10 mins
Remembering the Timex Dundee struggles 1993 article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Remembering the Timex Dundee struggles 1993

The Timex dispute ended in closure of the plant following six months of major industrial action. Stella Rooney spoke to two women about their involvement with Timex and the strike.

5 mins
Pay attention to equal pay: the EIS and Equal Pay Day 2022 article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Pay attention to equal pay: the EIS and Equal Pay Day 2022

The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) released a video commemorating Equal Pay Day 2022, which coincided with the first Scottish teachers’ strike action over pay in 40 years.

5 mins
175 years of women's activism in the EIS article icon

Society, Politics & Law

175 years of women's activism in the EIS

Celebrating 175 years of activism, the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) is today Scotland's largest teaching union. Established for the 'promotion of sound learning and the benefit of teachers', the EIS remains a campaigning, growing and highly effective trade union.

5 mins
What does it mean, to be a man? activity icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

What does it mean, to be a man?

Beliefs about what makes a ‘real’ man have changed enormously over time. So what does it mean to be a man in the twenty-first century? Do traditional ideas about masculinity still apply, and if not, what kinds of new ideas have replaced them? Explore our interactive below to learn more.

10 mins
Ministry of Sharing: Are you a safe sharer? activity icon

Digital & Computing

Ministry of Sharing: Are you a safe sharer?

Are you a model citizen or a menace to society when it comes to divulging personal details? Take the test from the Ministry of Sharing and find out whether you share too much information.

10 mins
The Scottish Women’s Herring Strike in Great Yarmouth in the 1930s and 1940s article icon

Society, Politics & Law

The Scottish Women’s Herring Strike in Great Yarmouth in the 1930s and 1940s

Herring fishing followed the migration of the shoals and the Scottish herring women followed too, gutting, curing and packing. It was a tough life, as this article reveals.

5 mins
Essential for what? A global social reproduction view on the re-organisation of work during the Covid-19 pandemic video icon

Society, Politics & Law

Essential for what? A global social reproduction view on the re-organisation of work during the Covid-19 pandemic

Around the world, the pandemic overturned our ways of working. For many workers the pandemic caused losses of work, increased unemployment, informality, reduced incomes, business closures. Around the world all but essential workers stayed at home. But what exactly is “essential work”? Employers and authorities were slow to ensure adequately ...

5 mins