All of the content listed below is free to use, including all of our OpenLearn courses. Every course offers a free statement of participation on completion (which you can download as a PDF) and some courses give you the opportunity to earn a free digital badge, which you can display and share with potential employers.
In addition to the articles about mental health and wellbeing, you will find some external links to key refugee support organisations with useful resources towards the bottom of this page.
Безкоштовні онлайн-ресурси для українців, які проживають у Великобританії та Ірландії
Free English Language courses
Everyday English 1
This free course, Everyday English 1, will develop and improve your essential speaking and listening, reading and writing skills for work, study and everyday life.
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to access more details of Everyday English 1
Everyday English 2
This free course, Everyday English 2, will inspire you to improve your current English skills and help you to communicate more effectively in everyday work and life.
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to access more details of Everyday English 2
English: skills for learning
Develop the English reading and writing skills needed for university success.
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to access more details of English: skills for learning
English in the world today
How did English become the global force it is today? This free course, English in the world today, explores the status of the language and its worldwide diversity. It looks at how social and political factors influence people's attitudes towards it, and at the relationship between one's linguistic heritage and sense of identity.
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to access more details of English in the world today
Global English
David Graddol explores how a language from an island on the corner of the continent went global
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to access more details of Global English
Free English Language courses
Everyday English 1
This free course, Everyday English 1, will develop and improve your essential speaking and listening, reading and writing skills for work, study and everyday life.
Everyday English 2
This free course, Everyday English 2, will inspire you to improve your current English skills and help you to communicate more effectively in everyday work and life.
English: skills for learning
Develop the English reading and writing skills needed for university success.
English in the world today
How did English become the global force it is today? This free course, English in the world today, explores the status of the language and its worldwide diversity. It looks at how social and political factors influence people's attitudes towards it, and at the relationship between one's linguistic heritage and sense of identity.
Global English
David Graddol explores how a language from an island on the corner of the continent went global
Free language learning
Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture
Building on the experience developed since the launch of the Open Centre for Languages and Cultures, this free short course provides an introduction to Ukrainian languages and culture. This course is for everybody who is interested in finding out about Ukraine and its people and wants to get a first insight into its rich cultural heritage. ...
Beginners’ German: food and drink
This free course, Beginners' German: food and drink, provides materials that support the development of listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. The content focuses on food, restaurants and eating habits. The course also gives examples of how grammar, vocabulary, cultural aspects and study skills are taught by the OU in the Beginners' ...
Beginners’ French: food and drink
Improve your language skills by learning to communicate more easily and effectively in French. In this free course, Beginners' French: food and drink, you will also gain an insight into French societies and cultures through focusing on food and drink. You will listen to French speakers in a variety of situations, and you will be provided with ...
Beginners’ German: Places and people
Do you want to learn the basics of the German language? This free course, Beginners’ German: Places and people, will take you on a journey through German-speaking countries. You will read and hear about a range of places and people. This OpenLearn course will give you the opportunity to develop language skills which will help you to cope in a ...
Getting started with German 1
Almost 100 million people speak German as their main language. Most of them live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, making German one of the most widely-used languages in Europe. Although now associated with economic success and advances in science and technology, German has a long-standing reputation as the language of poets and thinkers, die...
Getting started with French 1
Whether you want to visit, work or live in a French-speaking environment, you will get more out of the experience if you can communicate effectively with people. In this short course you will begin to develop your reading and listening skills in French and learn to speak and write the language to communicate in everyday situations. You will...
Open Centre for Languages and Cultures
The Open Centre for Languages and Cultures: your learning hub for communication in an interconnected world.
How to learn a language
Learn about the concepts and skills required to learn languages successfully. This free course, How to learn a language, introduces the skills and strategies for language learning, setting realistic goals when learning languages and keeping motivated, practise speaking skills and vocabulary learning strategies. It will enable you to evaluate ...
Beginners’ Spanish: food and drink
Do you want to improve your language skills and communicate more easily and effectively in Spanish? This free course, Beginners’ Spanish: food and drink, focuses on buying and ordering food and drink at a restaurant or bar. You will be able to use some basic vocabulary relating to food, drinks, meals, quantities and measures. In this OpenLearn ...
Free learning to support study and work
Gain a badge and further your career
Did you know that The Open University offers a range of free badged courses on OpenLearn all geared towards helping you with employability and your career?
How to write a CV
A CV (curriculum vitae) is a brief account of your education, qualifications, skills and work-based experience, used mainly when applying for a job. Your CV is your first opportunity to tell an employer what you can do. A well written CV can make the difference between getting an interview and not being considered for the role.
Understanding your sector
This free course, Understanding your sector, will help you to understand the difference between sectors, industries and professions. It will also help you to gain the inside knowledge to impress in applications and at interviews and to put together an action plan that is tailored to you.
Learning how to learn
Learning how to learn: a process we all engage in throughout our lives, but no single method of learning guarantees success. This free course, Learning how to learn, aims to make the process of learning much more explicit by inviting you to apply various ideas and activities to your own study as a way of increasing your awareness of your own ...
SKILLS FOR STUDY: Studying for the first time or returning after years away can be daunting. These free courses will refresh your study skills and prepare you for success.
SKILLS FOR WORK: Enhance your work skills without committing to full-time study.
Free resources on mental health and wellbeing
Wellbeing and mental health collection
The mental health and wellbeing collection (Wales) provides a hub of free, bilingual resources that aim to promote positive wellbeing and support good mental health.
Level: 1 Introductory
Work and mental health
Although being at work during periods of mental illness can be difficult for those with mental health problems, most people with these difficulties could take paid employment if it were not for numerous barriers in the workplace and the wider community (Centre for Mental Health, 2013). In this free course, Work and mental health, you will look ...
Free course
6 hours
Level: 2 Intermediate
Making sense of mental health problems
Over the past century there has been a radical shift in responses to people who experience mental health problems. In this free course, Making sense of mental health problems, you will learn about how key perspectives in the field have made sense of mental health problems. By directly relating key perspectives to a case study, you will reflect ...
Free course
10 hours
Level: 2 Intermediate
Supporting children's mental health and wellbeing
Do you have a professional or personal interest in the mental health issues affecting young children? Are you working with children or are you a parent or carer? This free course, Supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing, is designed to give insight into the factors that are contributing to our youngest citizens’ poor mental health; ...
Free course
24 hours
Level: 1 Introductory
Introduction to adolescent mental health
This free course provides an introduction to adolescent mental health. The course is designed to encourage a greater understanding of mental health issues as well as to explore the variety of strategies that can be employed to support young people.
Free course
24 hours
Level: 1 Introductory
Five tips on how to plan new self-care routines
Dr Sharon Mallon explores what is meant by self-care before introducing you to some of the top inexpensive and time-effective ways that you can introduce self-care practices into your life.
Level: 1 Introductory
Five tips for relaxing during difficult times
Modern life can leave many of us feeling stressed out. Here Dr Mathijs Lucassen offers five tips so that you can relax.
Level: 1 Introductory
Depression, mood and exercise
Looking for a few tips on increasing your mood? Dr Jitka Vseteckova explores the relationship between depression and exercise.
Support and resources from other organisations

Many, like you, seeking to become Information Technology (IT) professionals struggle with the style of English used in this industry. To help you improve your prospects, develop confidence, and potentially become employable within this worldwide sector. Cisco, collaborating with The Open University is happy to offer you two digitally badged courses on their mobile-friendly Skills for All platform.
Each course is 50 hours in length and can be completed at your own pace. For some studying these courses, you may find you take less time, others may find that it may take longer, depending on your experience and personal proficiency. English for IT 1 – develops your understanding, where English for IT 2 improves and prepares you for working in industry.
To enrol, please follow either of the links, Cisco will only share with The Open University your name and email address:
English for IT 1
English for IT 2
Statutory agency | UK Visas and Immigration (GOV.UK) – Seek protection or asylum
General resources for educational support and finance
- Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics) provides urgently-needed help to academics in immediate danger, those forced into exile, and many who choose to work on in their home countries despite serious risks. Cara also supports higher education institutions whose work is at risk or compromised.
- Kiron offers free online learning opportunities to refugees and underserved communities.
- Learning Equality supports the creation, adaptation and distribution of open educational resources - browse resources on the Kolibri platform.
- UCAS Student Finance guidance for refugees and asylum seekers. If you're a refugee or asylum seeker applying to higher education, there may be support available to help you with finance and your studies.
- Distance learning resources collated by Migrant Help.
- STAR (Student Action for Refugees) is the national network of students building a more understanding and just society where refugees are welcomed and can thrive in the UK.
- Refugee Education UK (formerly RSN) equips young refugees to build positive futures by thriving in education.
- Education information - Irish Refugee Council.
- Language support for adult refugees - A Council of Europe Toolkit.
Legal advice and support
- GOV.UK - Find a legal aid adviser (England and Wales). Search for a legal adviser or family mediator with a legal aid contract in England and Wales.
- GOV.UK - Find an immigration adviser. You can get immigration advice from an immigration adviser if you need help with getting permission to stay in the UK.
- Help with a legal problem (Scotland)
- Finding a solicitor (Northern Ireland)
- ASAP (Asylum Support Appeals Project). ASAP’s aim is to reduce destitution experienced by asylum seekers by helping them to obtain housing and welfare support.
- Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
- Asylum Aid
- The Law Society
- Law Society of Scotland
- The Law Society of Northern Ireland
- Legal Aid Board (Ireland)
- FLAC - Free Legal Advice Centres (Ireland)
General advice and support
- Migrant Help
- Freedom from Torture
- Helen Bamber Foundation
- British Red Cross Refugee Services
- The Refugee Council (England)
- The Scottish Refugee Council
- The Welsh Refugee Council
- Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Citizens Information Ireland
- Red Cross Ireland information for refugees and asylum seekers
- Nasc Ireland - migrant and refugee rights
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