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    • Introduction à la sauvegarde des personnes dans le secteur de l'aide internationale

      Introduction à la sauvegarde des personnes dans le secteur de l'aide internationale

      Vous voulez en savoir plus sur les politiques et procédures en matière de sauvegarde dans le secteur de l'aide humanitaire ? Ce cours aidera les personnes travaillant dans des ONG et des agences de développement et d’aide humanitaire à mieux comprendre les causes des préjudices, des abus et de l'exploitation et à mettre en place des mesures préventives.

      Try this course


      24 hrs

    • Introdução à salvaguarda no setor de ajuda internacional

      Introdução à salvaguarda no setor de ajuda internacional

      Aprenda sobre políticas e procedimentos de salvaguarda no setor de ajuda internacional. Este curso ajudará aqueles que trabalham em ONGs e agências de desenvolvimento e humanitárias a entender melhor as causas de danos, abuso e exploração e a implementar medidas preventivas.

      Try this course


      24 hrs

    • Introducción a la salvaguardia en el sector de ayuda internacional

      Introducción a la salvaguardia en el sector de ayuda internacional

      Aprender sobre las políticas y procedimientos de salvaguardia en el sector de la ayuda internacional. Este curso ayudará a quienes trabajan en ONG y agencias humanitarias y de desarrollo a comprender mejor las causas del daño, el abuso y la explotación, y a poner en marcha medidas preventivas.

      Try this course


      24 hrs

    • حول مقدمة عن الحماية في قطاع المساعدات الدولية

      حول مقدمة عن الحماية في قطاع المساعدات الدولية

      تعرف على سياسات وإجراءات الحماية في قطاع الإغاثة الدولية. ستساعد هذه الدورة أولئك الذين يعملون في المنظمات غير الحكومية والوكالات الإنمائية والإنسانية على فهم أسباب الأذى وسوء المعاملة والاستغلال بشكل أفضل ووضع تدابير وقائية.

      Try this course


      24 hrs

    • Points essentiels sur le thème de la sauvegarde des enfants et des adultes

      Points essentiels sur le thème de la sauvegarde des enfants et des adultes

      Une introduction aux mesures de sauvegarde essentielles pour le sport.

      Try this course


      1 hr

    • Principios Básicos de Salvaguardia

      Principios Básicos de Salvaguardia

      Introducción a los conocimientos básicos sobre las salvaguardias en el deporte.

      Try this course


      1 hr

    • OnSSET/The Global Electrification Platform

      OnSSET/The Global Electrification Platform

      In this course, participants will learn about geospatial energy modelling in the tools Open Source Spatial Electrification Tool (OnSSET) and World Bank’s Global Electrification Platform.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool (Windows)

      Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool (Windows)

      (WINDOWS version) Participants will learn to use energy modelling tools to understand the investments needed to meet growing energy demands alongside environmental and energy security constraints, while assessing system flexibility to account for high renewables penetration.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool (MAC)

      Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool (MAC)

      (MAC version) Participants will learn to use energy modelling tools to understand the investments needed to meet growing energy demands alongside environmental and energy security constraints, while assessing system flexibility to account for high renewables penetration.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Financial Analysis of Power Sector Projects Using the FinPlan Model

      Financial Analysis of Power Sector Projects Using the FinPlan Model

      FINPLAN: Financial modelling to support the planning of energy projects that achieve sustainable development outcomes.

      Try this course


      12 hrs

    • Introduction to CLEWs

      Introduction to CLEWs

      An introduction to integrated modelling of Climate, Land, Energy and Water systems for sustainable development policy.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Agent-based energy systems modelling: MUSE

      Agent-based energy systems modelling: MUSE

      This course will help participants understand the types of investments that could be made to ensure a sustainable and secure energy system from a global or national perspective using an agent-based methodology.

      Try this course


      10 hrs

    • Infrastructure and Climate Resilience

      Infrastructure and Climate Resilience

      This course is centred around the role that infrastructure systems play in enabling climate-compatible and sustainable development in an uncertain future, providing the latest science and tools in this field.

      Try this course


      20 hrs

    • Modelling, Policy and Political economy

      Modelling, Policy and Political economy

      This course will help participants understand the relationship between energy systems modelling and policymaking, and introduce the concept of political economy analysis.

      Try this course


      12 hrs

    • Energy Demand Projections with MAED (Model for Analysis of Energy Demand)

      Energy Demand Projections with MAED (Model for Analysis of Energy Demand)

      This course will teach participants how to use the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) modelling tool called the Energy Balance Studio (EBS). Participants will learn the theory behind energy balances, and how to use the EBS tool to construct energy balances.

      Try this course


      20 hrs

    • Creating and Assessing an Energy Balance with EBS (Energy Balance Studio)

      Creating and Assessing an Energy Balance with EBS (Energy Balance Studio)

      This course will teach you how to use the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) modelling tool for energy balance creations.

      Try this course


      10 hrs

    • Input-Output analysis and modelling with MARIO

      Input-Output analysis and modelling with MARIO

      The main goal of the course is to introduce you to the fundamentals of quantitative impact assessment methods and models. These quantitative models are specifically designed to assess the prospective environmental and economic impacts resulting from the application of technological or policy interventions at meso and macro-scale, comprehensively including supply-chain effects in a Life Cycle perspective.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Geospatial clean cooking access modelling using OnStove

      Geospatial clean cooking access modelling using OnStove

      In this course you will be introduced to OnStove, an open-source spatial clean cooking tool identifying the best cooking solutions across any given area based on their costs and benefits. The track will take you from start to finish, from creating your own spatial repository to modifying your spatial data, calculating the net-benefits of different cooking solutions and lastly visualizing and presenting your results.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Geospatial Data Management for Energy Access Modelling and Planning

      Geospatial Data Management for Energy Access Modelling and Planning

      An introduction to geospatial data management through GIS software, SDI design principles and data governance good practice.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Energy Access Explorer: Data-driven, Integrated and Inclusive Energy Planning

      Energy Access Explorer: Data-driven, Integrated and Inclusive Energy Planning

      Participants will learn to identify high-priority areas where energy access can be expanded using multi-criteria decision analysis on the Energy Access Explorer platform.

      Try this course


      15 hrs

    • The Electricity Transition Playbook

      The Electricity Transition Playbook

      This course will offer a practical guide to help your country navigate through the complex journey of the electricity transition.

      Try this course


      10 hrs

    • OnSSET/The Global Electrification Platform

      OnSSET/The Global Electrification Platform

      In this course, participants will learn about geospatial energy modelling in the tools Open Source Spatial Electrification Tool (OnSSET) and World Bank’s Global Electrification Platform.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool (Windows)

      Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool (Windows)

      (WINDOWS version) Participants will learn to use energy modelling tools to understand the investments needed to meet growing energy demands alongside environmental and energy security constraints, while assessing system flexibility to account for high renewables penetration.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool (MAC)

      Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool (MAC)

      (MAC version) Participants will learn to use energy modelling tools to understand the investments needed to meet growing energy demands alongside environmental and energy security constraints, while assessing system flexibility to account for high renewables penetration.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Financial Analysis of Power Sector Projects Using the FinPlan Model

      Financial Analysis of Power Sector Projects Using the FinPlan Model

      FINPLAN: Financial modelling to support the planning of energy projects that achieve sustainable development outcomes.

      Try this course


      12 hrs

    • Introduction to CLEWs

      Introduction to CLEWs

      IAn introduction to integrated modelling of Climate, Land, Energy and Water systems for sustainable development policy.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Agent-based energy systems modelling: MUSE

      Agent-based energy systems modelling: MUSE

      This course will help participants understand the types of investments that could be made to ensure a sustainable and secure energy system from a global or national perspective using an agent-based methodology.

      Try this course


      10 hrs

    • Infrastructure and Climate Resilience

      Infrastructure and Climate Resilience

      This course is centred around the role that infrastructure systems play in enabling climate-compatible and sustainable development in an uncertain future, providing the latest science and tools in this field.

      Try this course


      20 hrs

    • Modelling, Policy and Political economy

      Modelling, Policy and Political economy

      This course will help participants understand the relationship between energy systems modelling and policymaking, and introduce the concept of political economy analysis.

      Try this course


      12 hrs

    • Energy Demand Projections with MAED (Model for Analysis of Energy Demand)

      Energy Demand Projections with MAED (Model for Analysis of Energy Demand)

      This course will teach participants how to use the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) modelling tool called the Energy Balance Studio (EBS). Participants will learn the theory behind energy balances, and how to use the EBS tool to construct energy balances.

      Try this course


      20 hrs

    • Creating and Assessing an Energy Balance with EBS (Energy Balance Studio)

      Creating and Assessing an Energy Balance with EBS (Energy Balance Studio)

      This course will teach you how to use the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) modelling tool for energy balance creations.

      Try this course


      10 hrs

    • Input-Output analysis and modelling with MARIO

      Input-Output analysis and modelling with MARIO

      The main goal of the course is to introduce you to the fundamentals of quantitative impact assessment methods and models. These quantitative models are specifically designed to assess the prospective environmental and economic impacts resulting from the application of technological or policy interventions at meso and macro-scale, comprehensively including supply-chain effects in a Life Cycle perspective.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Geospatial clean cooking access modelling using OnStove

      Geospatial clean cooking access modelling using OnStove

      In this course you will be introduced to OnStove, an open-source spatial clean cookingtool identifying the best cooking solutions across any given area based on their costsand benefits. The track will take you from start to finish, from creating your own spatialrepository to modifying your spatial data, calculating the net-benefits of differentcooking solutions and lastly visualizing and presenting your results.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Geospatial Data Management for Energy Access Modelling and Planning

      Geospatial Data Management for Energy Access Modelling and Planning

      An introduction to geospatial data management through GIS software, SDI design principles and data governance good practice.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

    • Energy Access Explorer: Data-driven, Integrated and Inclusive Energy Planning

      Energy Access Explorer: Data-driven, Integrated and Inclusive Energy Planning

      Participants will learn to identify high-priority areas where energy access can be expanded using multi-criteria decision analysis on the Energy Access Explorer platform.

      Try this course


      15 hrs

    • The Electricity Transition Playbook

      The Electricity Transition Playbook

      This course will offer a practical guide to help your country navigate through the complex journey of the electricity transition.

      Try this course


      10 hrs

    • Off-Grid Energy Systems Modelling with MicroGridsPy

      Off-Grid Energy Systems Modelling with MicroGridsPy

      Explore the computational aspects of energy system modelling, delve into the technological components of third-generation minigrids, and discover MicroGridsPy, an open-source Python framework for optimal sizing of minigrids.

      Try this course


      24+ hrs

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