Towards Results in Education & English (TREE) is a collection of courses for learners in Myanmar.
Disclaimer: This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.
©Except for third party material, these resources are licensed under a Creative Commons attribution Non-commercial (CC-BY-NC) licence 4.0. This authorises anyone to use these materials as long as they are not used for a commercial purpose and that the following attribution is applied ‘These materials were produced as part of the TREE project led by the British Council and funded by FCDO / UKAid. The original materials can be found at’.
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English Language Development
Welcome to the TREE English Language Development Resources: Online English Resource Packs for teachers to use with children for Grades 4, 7 and 10; Self-study English learning resources at Elementary, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate level.
10 hrs
Inclusive Practice
The TREE Inclusive Practice course has been designed to help educators engage in discussions around inclusion. There are opportunities to reflect on how to improve practice to ensure all students are present, participate and achieve in lessons.
24+ hrs
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
CPD Awareness Raising. Learn more about managing your own and your institution’s CPD. Leadership for Effective Learning. What does effective learning look like and how can you influence this? Available in English and Myanmar.
1 hr
Digital Literacy
Use these materials to build your skills and knowledge in finding, using and evaluating digital resources. These units can be used for self-study or by groups working with a facilitator. Available in English and Myanmar.
1 hr
Formative Assessment
Welcome to the TREE Formative Assessment resources. The Videos, Summary Sheets and Formative Assessment Toolkit all contain practical ideas for integrating Formative Assessment into your classes. Available in English and Myanmar.
1 hr
Communities of Practice
Welcome to the TREE Communities of Practice (CoP) resources. Our TREE Guide offers practical tips on setting up and facilitating regular CoP meetings, and our Community of Practice Handbook provides resources for English Teacher Educators.
1 hr