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Welcome to the TREE Formative Assessment resources. Here you will find a Formative Assessment Toolkit and four videos. There are summary sheets to go with the videos. The summary sheets are available in English and Myanmar. The resources can be used for self-study or by groups working with a facilitator.
Disclaimer: This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.
©Except for third party material, these resources are licensed under a Creative Commons attribution Non-commercial (CC-BY-NC) licence 4.0. This authorises anyone to use these materials as long as they are not used for a commercial purpose and that the following attribution is applied ‘These materials were produced as part of the TREE project led by the British Council and funded by FCDO / UKAid. The original materials can be found at https://www.TREE-Myanmar.org’.