WASH: Context and Environment
WASH: Context and Environment is one of six modules in the OpenWASH learning resources. The modules have been written by Ethiopian WASH experts with the support of teaching specialists from The Open University in the UK.
Appreciation of the context for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is necessary if those services are to be effective and long lasting. This Module provides essential background to WASH in Ethiopia by explaining broader topical issues such as sustainability, resilience, population growth, urbanisation, climate change and global policy. It also looks at the interconnections between people and their environment, and the science that underpins that relationship.
The module is divided into 15 separate study sessions, each expected to take about two hours to study if you are learning on your own. The OpenWASH Trainers’ Handbook provides guidance on using the modules in a variety of face to face teaching contexts.
This course is part of a collection
This course is part of a collection of courses called OpenWASH. There are 6 courses in this collection so you may find other courses here that maybe of interest to you.
Course learning outcomes
After you have studied this Module you should be able to:
Describe the impacts of our actions and behaviour on the environment in which we live, and identify ways in which we can all contribute to creating a better environment.
Understand the patterns of change and underlying trends in population, climate and urbanisation, and how these may affect progress in WASH.
Describe the water cycle, the importance of a safe water supply and the relationship between water resources and human activities.
Explain the effects of pollution on the natural environment and in human health, and how this influences waste disposal options.
Describe the national and international policy context for the WASH sector in Ethiopia.
Course dates:
First Published 08/08/2017.
Updated 27/07/2018