Urban WASH: Working with People
Urban WASH: Working with People is one of six modules in the OpenWASH learning resources. The modules have been written by Ethiopian WASH experts with the support of teaching specialists from The Open University in the UK.
New WASH services are far more likely to be effective and sustainable if the people using the services are able to participate in, or at least be aware of, their planning, design and management. This Module is designed to provide WASH technicians and other employees of service providers with a good understanding of the social, cultural, financial and institutional issues at the local level as well as knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of service users, such as how users may influence decision makers and ensure the service providers are accountable to their customers.
The 15 study sessions in this module are expected to take about two hours each to study if you are learning on your own. The OpenWASH Trainers’ Handbook provides guidance on using the modules in a variety of face to face teaching contexts.
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This course is part of a collection
This course is part of a collection of courses called OpenWASH. There are 6 courses in this collection so you may find other courses here that maybe of interest to you.
Course learning outcomes
After you have studied this Module you should be able to:
- Describe the characteristics of urban communities and how they can affect behaviour and environmental responsibility.
- Explain the importance of social accountability and community involvement for effective and sustainable WASH services.
- Discuss the different approaches that are available to influence people’s behaviour in the home, in schools and other institutions, and in the wider community.
- Plan and undertake community engagement activities to achieve sustainable change in WASH behaviour.
- Explain how monitoring and evaluation should be used to assess impact of WASH interventions.
Course dates:
First Published 08/08/2017.
Updated 27/07/2018