Welcome to Rethinking Rural Sanitation
This course has been developed to improve rural sanitation programmes and contribute to the worldwide drive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It is intended for people working or planning to work in or with the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector.
Globally, over 2 billion people still defecate in the open and the majority live in rural areas. Rural sanitation programmes aim to increase sustained access to and use of toilets and decrease the rate of open defecation - but there are many and varied challenges to face. This course gives guidance on rural sanitation programming to help practitioners overcome those challenges, which in turn will lead to better and more sustainable programme outcomes.
The course has been developed in collaboration between WaterAid, UNICEF and Plan International, with support from The Open University. It is based on Guidance on Programming for Rural Sanitation available here https://washmatters.wateraid.org/publications/rethinking-rural-sanitation
If you would like to claim a Statement of Participation for completing this course you’ll need to enrol so that we can track and record your progress. Enrolling is free, you only need to enrol once and it will just take a few minutes. Click the Sign up/Sign in button above. When you return to the course, sign in and enrol, then click on each study session link to access the course content.
PDFs are provided for off-line access of the course content, including
individual PDFs for each of the study sessions. However please note that the
PDFs do not offer full functionality for the activities in the study sessions
and you will need to refer back to the online course for the activity ‘reveal’
If you have any comments or questions about the course please contact OUDO-International-Enquiries@open.ac.uk