Webinar 1: Getting started with skills for 21st century teaching and learning
(Wednesday, 15 July, 12:00-14:00 UTC)
All times are given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Please convert this and check what time this is in your location.
Webinar rooms will open 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled start time to allow participants to join, register and ensure their connection and settings are working well.
Webinars will be held using Zoom.
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkcO-trzsuE9frxH_51_4U1vEpXEaisZJe
Meeting ID: 959 7651 0493
Password: 5e6HrQ
The recording of the webinar is now available at the following link so that those who want can review and those who missed it can engage and catch up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVDB8PID7TI
Please mark this as complete here, once you've either attended the webinar live, or viewed the webinar video. -
Study: Making teacher education relevant for 21st century Africa, Section 1
Use this link to access the course: Making teacher education relevant for 21st century Africa
You will need to enrol on the course to study it.
Please complete Section 1 this week, and mark this here when complete. -
Online course facilitation and local study groups via WhatsApp
You will have the opportunity to join facilitated discussions forums as part of the Making teacher education relevant for 21st century Africa course. Participation in these forums is purely to discuss the course and is optional but highly encouraged.
In addition to this, we encourage participants to self-organise locally facilitated study groups. Study groups provide the opportunity for support, enriching discussions and to explore how the learning might be relevant in your context or institution.
In light of current social distancing guidelines we encourage participants to explore how WhatsApp can be used effectively to form study groups and facilitate these discussions.
Download the Course facilitator handbook below for ideas and guides on how to be an effective study group and course facilitator.
Tick the box here if you have participated in the course forums or have been part of or helped to organise and facilitate a local study group in your institution. -
Our Journey: learning logging and mapping
The Our journey tool provides an interactive way to record and map your learning experiences while you are on this programme.
Use the link above to access the tool, create an account and follow the instructions to start to log your learning journey and share this with colleagues.
Tick the box here if you choose to use the Our journey tool to log your learning. We will be interested to hear more about your experience and your recomendations for others.
This innovative course looks at how teacher educators can help teachers to use ICT to support learning and develop new teaching and learning approaches that are 21st century-relevant.
The course centres around the award-winning course Making teacher education relevant for 21st century Africa, which was developed by The Open University, UK as part of the TESSA (Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa) programme. It includes live events such as webinars and other supplementary community activity facilitated by:
Dr Kris Stutchbury, TESSA Academic Director at The Open University, UK
Professor Nebath Tanglang, Director, African Council for Distance Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ACDE-QAAA)
What you will learn
You’ll explore how to teach active learning and teaching, and how to use ICT to support learning and using OER (open education resources) effectively. This practice-focused course models high-quality teacher education.
The activities you will undertake are largely experiential, productive and communicative. You’ll be introduced to a range of open educational resources (OER). These include the TESSA library, which supports teachers and teacher educators who want to implement the sort of teaching approaches highlighted in new school curricula all over Africa. Teachers are expected to change their approach to deliver new curricula; this course will help teachers educators to do so as well so they can provide world-class teacher education
Who the programme is for
This programme is for all lecturers, teacher educators and heads of education, including those responsible for professional development and school-based CPD of teachers.
Free certificate
You can earn a free Statement of Participation by completing all the Core content activities in the study schedule. These include:
completing the online course Making teacher education relevant for 21st century Africa, and
- engaging with at least three Core content webinars.
How to get started
Click on the 'Course content' tab above to access the programme schedule, engage with the activities and record your progress towards your free certificate.