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Nicola jones Post 1

26 April 2021, 1:43 AM Edited by Simone Campbell-Williams on 26 April 2021, 8:10 PM

Summary of Week 2

At the completion of week 2 " Creating an inclusive  ethos and culture " the many topics that were covered encouraged participant to significantly contribute to the week 2 forum.
But what exactly is ethos and culture?  Are these concepts fundamentally the same or is there a significant difference?
Many participants on the Forum attempted to make the distinction.

Despite the overlapping of ethos and culture ,one thing is clear both are necessary for creating an inclusive School. These are the visible actions of the individual teachers that will either impact the learners  negatively or positively. 

Individuals and groups have roles to play in the school to ensure the creation of positive ethos and culture, Are you one of them? if so do you recognize your roles? Do your actions dispel negativity towards diversity in your classroom or institution? Have you gather data and information about your students to plan for their individual needs using various tools? Do you collaborate with others for the best of your learner?  Have you audited your practice to encourage positive ethos and culture?

Implementation and monitoring of Behavior Management Policy is a key factor to assist in the creation of positive ethos and culture. Many on the week forum highlighted various workable strategies that they have used for positive Behavioral change, while some still believe in the old adage that " what is good for the goose might not be good for the gander". With this therefore careful analysis of strategies must be done before implementation 
Establishing ethos and culture will see leaders providing support through school organization policies or systems that will support social relations such as Professional Development Training, After School Activities , Buddy Peer system etc in order to  offer support for children with disabilities and varied abilities. 
Creating positively ethos and culture, therefore should see all working collaboratively, being  committed to the task by even adapting curriculum to meet the needs of all learners in a respectful and supportive environment.

Nicola  Jones
Simone Campbell-Williams

Rose Nyambura Post 2 in reply to 1

26 April 2021, 7:24 PM Edited by Simone Campbell-Williams on 27 April 2021, 11:49 AM

Thank you for this summary Nicola.

Simone Campbell-Williams Post 3 in reply to 1

26 April 2021, 8:24 PM Edited by the author on 27 April 2021, 11:48 AM
Hi Nicola, thanks for being such a team player in collaborating the week 2 summary together.

FLORENCE Kamonjo Post 4 in reply to 1

27 April 2021, 12:39 PM

Thank you Nicola and Simone for a good summary of week 2. 

David Ngatia Post 5 in reply to 1

27 April 2021, 3:10 PM

Thank you Nicola and Simone for a comprehensive summary of week 2.

Velma Russell Post 6 in reply to 1

29 April 2021, 2:24 PM

An excellent and comprehensive summary Nicola and Simone.

FLORENCE KISIRKOI Post 7 in reply to 6

30 April 2021, 7:58 PM

Well done Nicola and Simone.Thank you.

Phuloo Marad-Seegulam Post 8 in reply to 1

2 May 2021, 11:47 PM

Thank you Nicola a well organized and excellent summary

Shaffina Ahamad-Hamid Post 9 in reply to 8

7 May 2021, 1:02 PM

Thank you for the summary. Well noted.

John Mtenje Post 10 in reply to 1

21 May 2021, 10:23 AM

Quite a good summary and enlightening. I think creating ethos and culture really needs everyone to be taken on board with supportive leadership but above all commitment of each and every teacher