Week 3: Creating a learning organisation


1. Introduction to Week 3

Teachers in Zambia working together to explore resources to support their planning

Creating a culture in which everyone sees themselves as a learner – willing to adapt and find new ways of supporting all learners – is an important aspect of creating an inclusive school.

This week considers how to create the conditions for becoming a learning organisation and in this the central role of professional development and whole school monitoring

In order to develop as inclusive teachers, teachers need support. In order to develop the sort of active approaches to teaching and learning that were explained in the course ‘Inclusive Teaching and Learning’ they need access to professional development and the opportunity to collaborate, practise and reflect. This week considers the role of professional development in bringing about change. It describes a model for school-based teacher development (SBTD); provides an opportunity for you to critically review resources to support SBTD; and presents two case studies that describe how schools can bring about change through a collective focus on classroom practice.

A learning organisation is one which monitors how it is performing. New initiatives may have unintended consequences and will be experienced differently by different stakeholders. An effective inclusive school will regularly review what they do and why they do it. This week you will consider what might be monitored and by whom.

In this section you will:

  1. Engage with ideas about professional learning
  2. Consider models for SBTD and review some resources
  3. Learn about examples of how SBTD has supported change
  4. Explore ways in which a school could be monitored for inclusivity.