
This content is an Open Educational Resource created by The Open University and the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). It is published under a Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike Licence ( This means you may use or adapt the content, but if you do so you must credit this source appropriately, using the citation below, and share it under the same CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Licence.

This course should be cited as follows: Creating an Inclusive School (CIS), (2021): The Open University and Commonwealth of Learning.

However, please note that there is some content included in the course that is not subject to the same Creative Commons Licence and is used under a licence granted by the owner. These items are listed below with the original source information where possible and links to their specific Creative Commons licence where appropriate. If you wish to use any of these items you will need to acknowledge them accordingly, comply with the terms of their specific licence and contact the owner if required. All logos are exempt from the Creative Commons Licence.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following sources:

Professional Development for Inclusive Education Collection banner image: Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

Creating an Inclusive School

Course banner image: Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Course Welcome video: Commonwealth of Learning and The Open University



Figures holding hands: Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Notebook and phone: The Open University

Week 1


Figure 1: Taken at Egerton Primary School. TESSA Project - Open University

Figure 2: The Open University

Figure 3 (Cartoon of students): Elena Yaroshenko / 123RF

Quiz question marks: The Open University


UNICEF Inclusive Education: With permission of UNICEF,


Inclusive School: Commonwealth of Learning and The Open University

Attitudes: Commonwealth of Learning and The Open University

Training for Inclusive Education: Commonwealth of Learning and The Open University

Week 2


Tree of hands: Cienpies Design / 123RF

Cartoon of students: Elena Yaroshenko / 123RF

Quiz question marks: The Open University

Week 3


Teachers working together: Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) programme

Teachers working in pairs: Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) programme

Teacher group meeting: Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) programme

Training Handbook cover image: Kenya Institute of Special Education and The Open University (2020) 'Training Handbook: School-Based Teacher Development for Inclusive Education',   This file is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license,

Teachers toolbox: Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST) programme

Stickers on board: Adapted (colour change) from Elegant Solution / Shutterstock

Quiz question marks: The Open University

Week 4


Village community: Michel Pacque/USAID

Child’s drawing: Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Hands: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Student group work: Taken at Egerton Primary School. TESSA Project - Open University

Resources room: Taken at Egerton Primary School. TESSA Project - Open University


32786: Article 12 of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child : UNICEF (2019) A summary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, available online at

Every effort has been made to contact copyright owners. If any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.