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Post 1

26 April 2021, 1:46 PM Edited by the author on 26 April 2021, 1:55 PM

Summary: Activity 2.5 School policies to support inclusive education

Thank you all participants for brilliant contributions to this thread. There were 95 posts and the following is the summary of key points:

·         Ensure that all students with disabilities in an inclusive school are involved in social activities after school to help with socialization which will help boast self - esteem and language  development and provide learning opportunities throughout the day as when the children are not in class will still be learning through  play and other social interactions  with their friends. Social interaction is encourages emotional support and camaraderie. Encouraged to participate in activities where they can meet children his/her same age with different abilities.

·         Reinforce mechanisms to support learning and to adapt the learning environment so that all children will be included.

·         Assign each child with disability a child without disability- peer buddy- and give them roles to support them assist with tasks at hand  make them feel mentally safe, develop their self-esteem, make them motivated to learn and excel. It also benefits the student without disability interacting with them .

·         Create a simple checklist for the child with disability to help remember tasks and reduce the number of tasks to accomplish in a day, broken down, to minimize confusion and easy monitoring and help remember what was done and is expected. It will also show the teacher and parents what he may need extra help with.  I also break down task into smaller bits not to overwhelm. 

·         Enrolled all children with disability in at least one extra - curricular activity, as here children learn to socialize with their peers and also meet other children who may not be in their same class. 

·         Create small groups that support peer learning, to participate in learning activities that support academic instruction and social skills because students learn well by collaborating.

·         Adapted routines so that all children can participate actively and meaningfully. Supports, when required, are provided in natural environments and with peers.

·         Plan activities with people with disabilities in mind such as children with autism who need more time to do just a good job as others and even communicate with students in their own such depending on the disability.

·         Construct facilities in a manner that will allow inclusion in an institution such as wheelchair ramps, sporting facilities needs

·         Give it  a holistic approach - Principal, teachers, parents, students, stakeholder agencies and the community should be inclusive. All work in harmony with national or school district overarching policy and school philosophy establish a whole-school inclusion policy.

·         Teachers - create individual plans for scaffolding or supporting general education children and children with disabilities, e.g., step by step instructions for student friendly worded assignments with checklist to foster independent learning, self-esteem and memory or recall. 

·         Students to participate in established classroom roster for peer mentoring, and building friendships.

·         Involvement parents- sensitize parents on inclusion, roles as parents and ways to become involved in school inclusion practices, eg., male/female football coaches volunteering their time and services to help children develop football skills, coordination, and fitness. Parents can also organize school concerts/talent shows, plays, playdates and parties.

·         Display inclusive behaviour -collaboration, sharing, turn-taking, empathy, sensitivity, tolerance and respect.

·         Integrate extra - curricular activities outside the school with activities that can be held in the school, fieldtrips to the library, zoo or science. Fair can be enjoyed by all students as visiting book mobile, petting zoo on wheels and Science bus.

·         Explore their unique talents. Some may not be good academically but might have some good skills  like painting, dancing, singing

·         Parents should be encouraged to create support groups and engage the children in activities together, for instance, car- pooling which could create friendships among the children. With parents and children working together collaboratively, children like Luis will not feel left out.

·         Teachers should have open, honest, respectful dialogue with the students, using strategies like puppetry, role playing, brainstorming, storytelling ... to impress upon their youthful minds the importance of including every child with special needs during break time and after school activities and that no one likes to feel left out. Ensure students see genuine care and kindness modeled to them by the administration, teachers and all adults connected to the daily running of the school. Everyone linked to the school should have a strong sense of belonging in 'our school.'

·         Give children with disability a leadership role in the classroom. To lead a part of an activity, or distribute materials.

·         Adjust teaching strategies/methods to allow Luis, children with disabilities to complete homework right after the lesson in class to minimize the chance of forgetting to complete it at a later date. 

·         Diversify play time activities to rotate every day include activities such as singing or dancing to better engage all of them.

·         Allow the children with disabilities to complete their homework soon after the activity is recommended as this could decrease the chances of forgetting.

·         Encourage all children to be advocates of those with disabilities.

·         Student in need of support be referred immediately for counselling to enable them to cope within social environments such as  the  continuous psycho -social support to enable them cope with socialization challenges they may have. 

·         Structure class activities such as play to include what the student with disabilities can or is interested in for them to feel included.

·         A bi-weekly buddy system be put in place. Student from the same class or neighbouring class can be allowed to play and spend time with students who have difficulty playing hardcore sports/activities of their choice from school activities.




Savitri Emmanuel Post 2 in reply to 1

26 April 2021, 2:06 PM

This summary is wonderful Florence. I do appreciate this. Thank you.

Kamaldaye Ramkissoon-Daniel Post 3 in reply to 1

26 April 2021, 3:22 PM


I really appreciate these policies.  They will definitely be used as a guide in creating an inclusive environment in my school.

Best regards


David Ngatia Post 4 in reply to 1

26 April 2021, 9:29 PM

Thank you Florence for the comprehensive summary on school policies to support inclusive education.

Paula Rahim Post 5 in reply to 1

27 April 2021, 10:16 PM

A very compact and precise summary.

Marcel Rogers Post 6 in reply to 1

28 April 2021, 12:32 AM
This summary is excellent. it make creating a policy easier.

Merlin Pierre-Holder Post 7 in reply to 1

28 April 2021, 1:03 PM
Detailed summary, thanks.

Sharlene Deoki Post 8 in reply to 1

29 April 2021, 5:03 PM

Much appreciated!

Lisa Mohammed Post 9 in reply to 1

29 April 2021, 7:34 PM

thank you for this summary.

Patricia Mendoza- Dolly Post 10 in reply to 1

29 April 2021, 7:58 PM

Shaffina Ahamad-Hamid Post 11 in reply to 10

30 April 2021, 4:13 AM

So very helpful. Much appreciated Florence!

Much thanks.

Hugo Uh Post 12 in reply to 1

30 April 2021, 5:02 AM

Thank you very much. Very helpful.

Rose Nyambura Post 13 in reply to 1

1 May 2021, 12:37 PM

Waoh, very good summary Florence. Thank you

HAEMRAJI Persad Post 14 in reply to 1

1 May 2021, 3:37 PM

Florence, this is a very detailed policy with excellent, practical strategies at assisting the differently abled child.

Vernice Buchan-Mansingh Post 15 in reply to 1

2 May 2021, 1:56 AM

I do appreciate the summary, especially organizing so that there can be a diversified  play time. in this way students can enjoy their time at school in an interest  group. I was thinking that would work very well for Luis as he likes to sing, dance and pretend play.

Sawh Mowlah Post 21 in reply to 15

15 May 2021, 1:53 AM

activity 2.2

Yes i agree that diversity in play can help special needs children feel included and will help them to express themselves with their peers rather than playing  alone.I also think song and dance will hepl them if they are included because this js also a form of expression and exercise for them. through pretend play the child feelings can also be seen and observed by the teacher and this can be used to help create the individual lesson plan  for them.

SHIRVANA Rambocas Post 16 in reply to 1

2 May 2021, 5:03 PM

Thank you so much for the summary of all the contributions. This is very helpful.

Hardia Mohammed Post 17 in reply to 1

3 May 2021, 5:10 PM

Very informative and this information will truly be useful for me. Great job.

Rhona Rampersad-Mahadeo Post 18 in reply to 1

4 May 2021, 3:17 PM

I appreciate these policies and I will use it as a guide in my E.C.C.E school.

Melessa Jackson Post 19 in reply to 1

6 May 2021, 1:26 AM

Thank you Florence for the inadept summary.

Sawh Mowlah Post 20 in reply to 1

15 May 2021, 1:45 AM

activity 2.5

Thanks for your detailed contribution  I agree that play as well as other activities must be structured to include the special  needs child. iI also lkke that you included using singing and dancing to include special needs children because I have seen that these children can really feel comfortable if they are involved and included just as the rest of the class and that helps also with the other children accepting the difference in their needs anx also help them to build friendships.

Matelita Taufa Post 22 in reply to 1

28 June 2021, 4:25 AM

Thank you for summarizing the policy and the ideas are important to be implemented in schools to ensure inclusion. I will copy this summarizing as it will help me with my work in reviewing my policy.