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HAEMRAJI Persad Post 1

5 May 2021, 6:33 PM

Activity 3.5: Example from practice

For teachers to take part in "learning study"  there must be time set aside for  professional development where teachers can interact freely in a non-threatening environment where they feel comfortable sharing their concerns and experimenting new strategies for making their practice more learner -centered. There must be the availability of the required resources.

Learning study can be used to develop inclusive teacher by sharing with teachers the necessary skills they are required to have to be equipped to teach in an inclusive environment. It provides a forum for open sharing of ideas and strategies, for developing those strategies and for reconvening to assess the success of those strategies and then developing more strategies.

ALIYAH Mohammed Post 2 in reply to 1

6 May 2021, 12:39 AM Edited by the author on 6 May 2021, 12:43 AM

Activity 3.5 Example from practice

It must be paid Training. Teachers shouldn't feel pressured to go to the Training. It should be participative. They will contribute ideas and methods to be discussed. It should be discussed in an interactive manner, where they break it down into small groups and have one presenter state what was found. A pilot project should take place to implement it for effectiveness and for the benefit of the children. The learners study programme has to integrate normal academic activities with new innovative ways of motivating the kids to do better. It will also serve as a platform to develop Teachers to be able to coordinate team-building skills among the students and Teachers themselves.

MARGARET Ongek Post 3 in reply to 1

7 July 2021, 12:26 AM

I totally agree Persad that time is importanst for teachers to participate in 'learning study' Also their willingness which emantes from being positive and aspirant that there is  alot to gain by engaging in such a venture.

Inclusion of teachers in activities pertaining efffective classroom practice can be achieved through learning study because it provides a forum where teachers, even researchers share and exchange useful ideas, expriment the ideas then eventually execute them in class situation. Through this networked interaction and collaboration, teachers would feel they own this process and are accountable to themselves and everyone else in the picture!