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Rose Nyambura
Post 1

7 May 2021, 7:27 PM

Activity 4.2 Working with families- Summary

Hello everyone

This has been an exciting learning time for all of us. Thank you for your wonderful contributions regarding how families work with schools in creating an inclusive learning environment for children. Here is a brief summary of the stimulating discussions: 

1.      Use of detailed registration forms  that gives teachers an idea of the child's background and how staff can work with the family

2.      Home Visitation Program- staff led by school administrators visit the homes of students and talk with parents to learn about the learners culture, challenges at home especially if  bereaved and this creates inclusivity.

3.      Integrating short development sessions for parents in areas where they may need assistance including counselling,vocational classes for parents who may want/need, parent education workshops which educate parents on child raring practices, as well as other topics that may interest them.

4.      Starting parenting support group that are led by parents of the school and assisted by teachers. They provide parents with resources (financial, etc)  as well as a sense of empowerment and belonging

5.      Inviting families (open door policy) to observe in the classroom and quickly respond to families' concerns about their children.

6.      Enlisting help of parents with special skills eg reading, arithmetic, cooking, traditional dancing, painting, fire fighting etc (career days) and children dress up like what they want to be in future on that day.

7.      Having effective communication channels eg Newsletters, chat room forums such as SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook etc. A parent/teacher communication book ( diary) can be placed in the child’s bag and used for communication on a daily basis for the young children in pre-school.

8.      Opening Learning Management System every 3 weeks for parents to view the child's academic progress. They not only see grades, but also specific comments by teachers. They can refer their concerns to individual teachers and get advice on how to help their child.

9.      Breakfast and lunch programs supported by parent/guardian who take nutritious flour to the school

10.  Academic Review Conferences where Parents, children and  teachers review academic progress

11.  Use of co-curricular activities such as Bazaars, cultural activities, sports day, food fund raiser events to meet and work alongside the parents for the betterment of the school .

12.  Use of Alumni  Associations, Philanthropists, Female Leaders groups who support their schools in areas of needs like providing books, uniforms for those without as well as extra tutoring for those having difficulties.

13.  Parents make up the school board and therefore help in decision making policies.   PTA chairperson is active and available, someone who can convince fellow parents on the objectives that the parents have to achieve.

14.  PTA body raises funds for different programs at the school as the needs arise. 

15.  Teachers raise money to do charity work within the school. 

I end with a question that we did not answer- How do we persuade parents who are hard to get to value their child's education and welfare over other engagements? Food for thought.

David Ngatia Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

7 May 2021, 7:54 PM
Wow! A good summary Rose. Thank you. I'm still pondering on your question.
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Yusuf Musa Post 3 (summarised) in reply to 1

9 May 2021, 7:22 AM
Rose, pray to them and assist the learners to your abilities/capacities.
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Nicola jones Post 4 (summarised) in reply to 1

12 May 2021, 8:25 PM
Great summary Rose we can start by first helping to change their mindset by...
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Ajillah Sinnette-Vincent Post 5 (summarised) in reply to 1

19 May 2021, 11:11 PM
This was extremely well articulated. To answer you question, one way is to...
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Carlene Burton Post 6 (summarised) in reply to 1

14 June 2021, 9:17 PM
I agree
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Michelle Robinson Post 7 (summarised) in reply to 1

17 June 2021, 7:12 PM
Excellent Summary, and I truly enjoyed the points you made and thanks for...
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Merlin Pierre-Holder Post 8 (summarised) in reply to 1

18 June 2021, 5:34 AM
I would like to work in a school like that, i am going to work when we are...
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Kéké  Kossi Agbogan

Kossi Agbogan Post 9 (summarised) in reply to 1

19 June 2021, 9:27 AM Edited by the author on 19 June 2021, 9:28 AM
Wonderful job, I have just made a copy of your summary. I do like the use of...
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