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Merlin Pierre-Holder Post 1

18 June 2021, 4:38 AM


This course “Creating an Inclusive school” really had an impact on me. When we first got the email, I was not that happy, as to me it was just the way the Ministry wanted to keep you occupied as you are home. I did not see it as something to impact how I view teaching and learning, my staff, children, and parents and how to improve the schools going forward, just added work and we were already taking all children as long as we have the space.

As I began getting deeper into the studies, my impression began to change. I began to look at “inclusion” differently, not looking at children as a group, but as individuals with individual needs. Reflecting on our policies, vision and mission to see if they are inclusive, and if our teaching and learning strategies are aligned with them and sensitizing staff on inclusion, that all could be on the same page through regular meetings , so we can make the needed changes as we go forward.



Mele Aleamotu'a Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

6 July 2021, 8:44 AM

3.2 Experiences of Professional development

 I am very grateful for the...
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