2.4 Class structures
As you use the Modules within your teaching, consideration should be given to the teaching sequence and timings to deliver the learning outcomes of a Module. Below is an example of a class structure used in E4J Ethics Module 13 on Public Integrity:
Example class structure
Discussion of ethical dilemmas is perhaps best achieved in small groups. The suggested length of this activity is 45 minutes, but you can adjust the timings to suit your requirements. You break students into small groups: for the first five minutes each student works individually by writing down an example of an ethical dilemma that he / she has faced in their own personal environment.
For the next 20 minutes the students get the opportunity to share their dilemmas in the small group - this is not compulsory and not everyone has to share. Students are requested to respect privacy issues and to acknowledge the stress that might be involved when sharing something very personal.
The final 20 minutes are spent on feedback from the groups: again - on an entirely voluntary basis - groups are invited to share one example with the class as a whole. You use the board or a flip-chart to capture keywords from the example, you lead a discussion and wrap up with your own views on the examples that have been shared.
Here is another example of a possible class structure [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] for E4J Anti-Corruption Module 3: Corruption and Comparative Politics.
2.3 Varied engagement