Development of a roadmap
Module 2 – Exercise 5: From ideas to action: development of a roadmap
E4J University Module Series: Anti-Corruption
Module 2: Corruption and Good Governance
The students nominate one of them to play the role of a newly elected president in a country where citizens are highly unsatisfied with the work of the government and suffer from systemic corruption (the students can also choose the country). The president is committed to improve the governance and to reduce corruption, but he/she needs to figure out the best approach to do so with the help of his/her citizens.
After the students nominate the president, divide the rest of them into groups. Ask each group to develop a roadmap, including guidelines of how to improve the quality of (good) governance and reducing corruption in a country. Then each group should present its roadmap in front of the class. The president should ask questions and choose the best roadmap at the end of the exercise. The lecturer should facilitate the discussion and help the president formulate the criteria for selecting the best roadmap.