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267971: Course banner image: © monkeybusinessimages / iStock Editorial / Getty Images Plus
266485: 1.1 Support through court logo: Support through court
1.2 The Johnson/Smith family:
266470: Jazmin (top left): tommaso79 / iStock / Getty Images Plus 266472: Steve (top right): tommaso79 / iStock / Getty Images Plus 266477: Jaden (bottom left): Ridofranz / iStock / Getty Images Plus 266476: Chloe (bottom right): JBryson / iStock / Getty Images Plus
266558: 1.3 What is domestic abuse statistic: Home Office and Ministry of Justice (2019) News story: Government publishes landmark domestic abuse bill, available online at Reproduced under the terms of the OGL,
266567: 1.3 What is domestic abuse definition: Home Office and Ministry of Justice (2018) Transforming the response to domestic abuse: graphics and animations, Promotional material, Reproduced under the terms of the OGL,
266569: 1.3 Domestic Abuse Helpline: Refuge,
266675: 1.5 Coercive Control definition: UK SAYS NO MORE,
269055: 1.5 Duluth power and control wheel: 'Duluth wheel of power and control’, Domestic Abuse Intervention Program (DAIP),
271083: 1.5 Duluth power and control wheel interactive: 'Duluth wheel of power and control’, Domestic Abuse Intervention Program (DAIP),
266710: 1.7 Lauren Laverne: Ben A. Pruchnie / Stringer / Getty Images
266470: 1.8 Jazmin Activity 10: tommaso79 / iStock / Getty Images Plus
266470: 1.8 Jazmin Activity 10 answer : tommaso79 / iStock / Getty Images Plus