Identifying perpetrators who are presenting as victims of domestic abuse
Research shows that it is difficult to know when a male client is a victim or perpetrator of abuse. We should support our clients as best we can to represent themselves in court without colluding with them.
The Dyn project identified a set of behaviours which were present in male perpetrators who were presenting as victims but were absent in ‘genuine’ victims.
Whilst you may find this information useful, you should not allow it to colour your judgement of an individual client. However, it may make you more aware that you may be supporting a perpetrator of abuse and so inform you to choose your own language carefully.
Actual Victim / Survivor |
Perpetrator Presenting as a Victim
Minimises severity of incidents, although is likely to provide details and chronology |
Minimises events, and is vague and unable to provide details
Takes responsibility , or excuses, the actions of the Perpetrator |
Blames their partner for the incident
Empathy for partner, including difficult circumstances or childhood experiences |
Focus on their experiences, little or no empathy for their partner
Feels remorse for fighting back or defending themselves |
Feels aggrieved
Can identify a very specific reason why they called, often abusive |
Less likely to identify a specific incident, instead focuses on general grievances
Ashamed of victimization |
Assertively claims victim status
Fearful |
Does not appear to be in any immediate risk, not fearful
Confused |
Overly confident
Has tried unsuccessfully to leave or repair relationship |
Claims not to be able to understand why previous relationships ended
Feels a sense of obligation to abusive partner |
May emphasise their role as a provider, or ‘saviour’
Focus on own responsibilities |
Stereotyped view of roles in relationships