4.3 Finding and evaluating OER

Photocredit: Checklist [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] by Oliver Tacke is CC0 1.0.

There are more than a billion CC-licensed works on the web. How do you find what might be useful to you, your students or colleagues? And once you have found a useful resource, what do you need to do when you reuse it?

Learning outcomes

By the end of this section of the course, you will be able to:

  • search and give proper attribution to openly licensed resources you find.
  • find OER in open repositories, Google, CC Search and other platforms
  • evaluate openly licensed resources.


Where do you currently find resources for teaching and learning? What criteria do you use to select material? What additional criteria might be needed to evaluate the suitability of OER?