How you can study this module

This module can be studied sequentially or the material can be used as a reference guide with sections explored in any order. If studied as a module, the core content should take around 3 hours to work through. Section 1 is the longest section and will take about half the total study time.

You can study at your own pace. However, as you work through the module, think not only about your role but also that of other partners and colleagues you work with. You might find it helpful to form an informal study group with colleagues and use some of the activities as a basis for group discussion.

A Reflective Log is available to download for you to evidence your professional enquiry and learning. The Reflective Log can also be used for collegiate discussions and will support Annual Reviews, GTCS Professional Update and contribute to applications for GTCS Professional Recognition.

Downloadable files within this module.

Throughout this module there are files which you need download to help you engage with the activities. Others have been included to support further professional knowledge and understanding of dyslexia and inclusive practice.

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Download icon

The above image of a white arrow pointing down and the text ‘You will need to download this file’ lets you know when you must download the file to engage in the activities.

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Further reading and information icon

The above image of a grey book lets you know when the download or link is for you to engage in further reading if you wish to.

We have also provided downloadable alternative formats of the course. You can find these on the first page of each section.

If you work through all of the content in this module, tackle the formative quizzes and pass the end-of-module quiz you will be awarded a digital badge to recognise your learning.