Welcome to the course
Introduction to Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice is the first of three free online modules developed to complement the 2015 Education Scotland Route Map for Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice and support
the professional standards from the General Teaching Council for Scotland.
This free module aims to provide teachers and local authority staff with an awareness of what dyslexia is, its impact and how it can be supported within an inclusive school community. It may also be of interest if you work in the voluntary sector or simply have an interest in dyslexia and inclusive practice.
If you complete the module, you will receive a digital badge and a Statement of Participation (which can take up to 24 hours to be issued to your email address and appear in your profile).
To enrol on this module, sign in first then click on the enrol button (the grey button alongside the social media buttons).
If this is your first visit to the site, you need to register for a free account via the 'Sign up / Sign in' button. Please open it in a new tab or window, follow the instructions to register an account then once your new account is created, return to this page in your browser rather than following the 'return to the page you were on' button in the registration screens (and login via the 'Sign up / Sign in' button), then click on the Enrol button for this module.
Please note: if you download the Word or PDF version of the learning materials to study offline and return to complete the quizzes which can only be done online, you will need to click through the online version of the learning materials to complete the criteria for your digital badge.
This course was originally published on 28 March 2017. This is the updated version, revised in March 2021.
This is the first of three modules by Dyslexia Scotland and Addressing Dyslexia with the support of the Opening Educational Practices in Scotland project.
The second module is Supporting Dyslexia, Inclusive Practice and Literacy.
The third module is Dyslexia: Identification and Support.
Dyslexia Scotland would like to offer people who have completed the 3 Modules the opportunity to sign up for free electronic membership with Dyslexia Scotland, as a way of continuing to build on their professional learning.
Opening Educational Practices in Scotland