Looking backwards, looking forwards

You have been sharing in the experiences of carers as they look back at their life experiences, or at a particular period in their life. Lesley’s timeline showed that there are ups and downs, and that a number of factors have influenced her life. While she has control over some things, such as choosing nursing, or choosing to live in Scotland, other factors, like her son’s disabilities or her own back problems, are outside her control.

Having looked back on the carers’ journeys, in the next session you will be looking forwards and exploring factors that influence the choices the carers made about their future.

Later in the course you’ll think about carers’ support networks and what might help or hinder them in achieving their goals. Understanding the things that can be changed, and the things that have to be worked around, will help people to plan their next steps and find support for achieving them. This is something to bear in mind in your role as a manager.

To start you thinking about the factors that influence carers’ lives, have a look at Figure 2.7, which features Lesley’s experience.

Described image
Figure 2.7 Spider diagram of the main factors in Lesley’s life