Facilitating activities

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Figure 5

Each session contains a number of activities, all of which are outlined in the Reflection Log. If you are delivering this course in a blended format, where the learners undertake some of the course online and some in face-to-face sessions, many of the activities are suitable to carry out with a group of learners.

Some are reflection activities, which learners can do on their own, though they may be interested in discussing them afterwards with the group. You should set some ground rules before these discussions take place to help learners feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts. You might want to discuss with the group what might be included in these ground rules. For example:

  • Learners should only discuss what they feel comfortable with. If they have reflected on aspects of their personal lives, they do not have to share these with the group. It is fine to focus on certain aspects, such as their work life, in discussions.
  • When sharing examples from their practice, learners should respect the privacy of the individuals involved. Don’t use their names, or details that may identify them, and don’t share information that is confidential.
  • Anything shared with the group stays within the room. Learners should trust that what they say will not be shared with others.
  • Issues may arise that learners may decide to take forward more formally. You may need to be aware of the mechanisms for this in your organisation, or how to signpost to the appropriate person or department.

In the following sections we have provided some tips for facilitating the activities under each session of Caring Counts in the Workplace.