6.5.1 Engaging schools and WASH clubs

As we discussed in Study Session 4, school children are considered effective WASH promotion agents who can catalyse behavioural changes in their community. Many children experience the use of improved WASH facilities on a daily basis in school. They learn why sanitation and good hygiene are important and this can influence their attitude and practice.

Involving schools and strengthening school WASH clubs helps to introduce behavioural change, firstly in the children; secondly, through influence on their families at home; and thirdly, through influence in the wider community (Figure 6.5).

Figure 6.5 Parents and other members of the community watching a school WASH club drama event in Bushulo.
  • Imagine you are working with the school principal and WASH club to promote improved WASH technologies and healthy hygiene practices among school children. What sort of events could you organise and what might be the outcome?

  • Possible events might include regular WASH promotion days that bring families, students and teachers together. During such special days or on parents’ days or during semester breaks and holidays, children could present poetry, dramas, exhibitions or demonstrations. You may have additional ideas. Such events can inform and inspire not only parents, but also the wider local community.

6.5 Methods of community engagement

6.6 Challenges of community engagement