Summary of Study Session 12

In Study Session 12, you have learned that:

  1. Advocacy is speaking up and drawing policy makers and the community’s attention to an important urban WASH issue.
  2. Advocacy involves working with other people and stakeholders to improve the status of urban WASH services of the community.
  3. Planning an effective advocacy initiative demands an enhanced understanding of the local context, specifically on who the critical stakeholders are and their influence and importance.
  4. Without a clear, articulated issue and well-defined goals and objectives, the remaining steps of an advocacy campaign will lose focus.
  5. A network is a collaborative body formed around an issue or a general set of values that involve participants from many organisations.
  6. A network is important to facilitate advocacy initiatives and take up the local governance agendas relevant to WASH issues.

12.5.2 Challenges of networks for advocacy

Self-Assessment Questions for Study Session 12