Summary of Study Session 13

In Study Session 13, you have learned that:

  1. Sustainability is a concept used to ensure that activities result in long term positive impact on the environment and those who live in it.
  2. Sustainable WASH facilities and systems can provide adequate services to communities for long periods, without negative impact on the environment.
  3. Factors which critically affect sustainability of WASH services from the planning stage, through construction to post-construction or operation stages, include participatory planning, social inclusion, technology choice, site selection, quality assurance, operation/maintenance, governance and social accountability.
  4. Proper utilisation of WASH facilities may require behaviour change communication to ensure that desirable hygiene and sanitation practices are effectively adopted by the community.
  5. Financial sustainability is a key aspect of sustainability and requires full community ownership from the beginning.
  6. Lack of good governance and social accountability has a negative impact on technical and financial sustainability of WASH facilities and makes it impossible to achieve equity of service.

13.5 Good governance and social accountability

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 13