The role of volunteers

Volunteers are essential to many voluntary sector organisations and their activities. Volunteers fulfil a huge variety of functions for no financial reward.

Individuals get involved with organisations on a voluntary basis for a huge range of motives, including the desire to make a difference, broaden social horizons, develop new skills and support a cause they passionately believe in. As well as donating money or equipment, many employers encourage their staff to work with voluntary organisations to share their expertise – thereby transferring knowledge to the organisation – or as regular volunteers. Young people are encouraged to undertake voluntary work as part of their own educational development and broadening of life skills.

It is important to recognise the influence that volunteers have within a charitable organisation and the need to listen to their views and seek feedback. Volunteers are often at the 'coal face', dealing directly with beneficiaries and delivering the organisation's services, so are well positioned to offer valuable insight to the organisation’s purpose and functioning.

The interface between trustees, staff and volunteers