The interface between trustees, staff and volunteers

The relationships between the key groups involved in the management of an organisation are crucial to the ongoing effectiveness of the organisation. In particular it is important that there is good and open communication between the groups, and clear and mutual understanding of their separate roles and responsibilities. The links between the senior management team (staff) and the (usually) volunteer trustees to whom they report are crucial and often where difficulties arise.

Likewise the relationship between paid staff and unpaid volunteers is sensitive. Some organisations are highly effective in harnessing the talents and contributions of volunteers at all levels and integrate them successfully into the overall organisation. Many charities (the smaller-income ones) have no paid staff and operate entirely with the efforts of volunteers. Others hardly use volunteers at all to deliver their services, or only for the most mundane tasks, and undervalue them. At the other extreme it is sometimes argued that some charities are guilty of exploiting them, expecting volunteers to take on tasks which could and should be paid work.

The role of volunteers

1.2  Size, scope and role of the voluntary sector