Digital super powers

How do we make technology enhanced learning possible?

What set of skills do we need to make successful digital learning activities? Teachers are professionals who help make technology enhanced learning possible, personal effective and immediately applicable. But how is that possible? Is it about a specific set of skills or magical super powers?

A combination of multidisciplinary talents contributing to different dimensions could stimulate successful digital learning activities. Discover more in the talent puzzle below. Make sure to click on the bouncing icons to learn more.

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Share your digital super power!

We do not all have to be designers, problem-solvers, explorers, etc... as teamwork is the main ingredient to success. But, what specific skill do you have that is crucial to design, develop, implement technology enhanced learning activities? This ice-breaker activity aims at stimulating a reflection about our individual digital talents that can enrich technology enhanced learning. 

  • Share your talent by completing the sentence "My digital super power is..."
  • In the box below, type your answer in the space provided and click submit
  • Your answer will reflect live, view and get inspired by your peers' talents


   Exploring Technology Enhanced Learning                                                    Get to know the TPACK model

Last modified: Wednesday, 6 October 2021, 10:54 PM