Health, Sports & Psychology
Non-speaking autism, embodiment, neurodivergence and access to communication therapies and devices
Ruth Collier-Large discusses her research project, which aims to give a platform to non-speaking autistic people, who may communicate independently online.

Health, Sports & Psychology
The lifelong political engagement of the Silent Generation
Sue Nieland explains why you're never too old to be political.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Migrant parenting
How do mothers and fathers from the former Czechoslovakia make sense of their roles as parents in the UK?

Health, Sports & Psychology
The trouble with teaching physics
Do you find physics easy or hard to understand? Katherine Langford looks at reasons behind this.

Health, Sports & Psychology
How does online intergroup contact compare with face-to-face?
The ability of intergroup contact to reduce prejudice is a well-researched area of psychology. However, as more and more contact takes place online, PhD student Julian Bond is working to understand whether this changes the effectiveness of intergroup contact and the potential implications for a more harmonious society.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Privacy in the Digital Age: Is it ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’ or ‘I’ve got nothing to hide’?
Emma Brice's PhD asks the question: have technological developments changed how we view and understand privacy in contemporary society? This was inspired by how we, as a society, talk about privacy and privacy loss.

Health, Sports & Psychology
How does trauma influence identity and engagement with extremism?
Nowadays, extremism and terrorism are frequently in the news with reports of attacks by individuals and groups in various countries. This article looks at the link between trauma and identity and extremism.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Euro 2022 Championships
The UEFA Women's Euro 2022 Championships was held in England and won by the hosts. Congratulations to the Lionesses! Take a look at our dedicated content for the tournament.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Promoting the effective management of children’s pain
This free course will focus on the promotion of effective management of children’s pain, through the use of a pain management framework. The information presented will enable you to gain knowledge and insight into evidence-based practice, in relation to delivering effective pain management for children.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Critically exploring psychology
This free course introduces you to critical thinking as a tool for psychology. As you work your way through the course you will learn what critical thinking is, and why it is important to use in the study of psychology. In particular, it will help you to think about how to use it when doing independent research. This OpenLearn course is an...

Society, Politics & Law
Recording women's experiences and resilience during Covid-19
For International Women's Day 2021, the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) recorded the experiences of women during Covid-19

Education & Development
Why riot? Community, choices, aspirations
This free course was made in the summer of 2021 in the aftermath of street disturbances in working class areas of Northern Ireland. It was produced with young people from Belfast and local community activists, for young people aged 14+. The course aims to help young people think about what community means to them; to identify issues they are...