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Results: 221 items

Making sense of ourselves free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Making sense of ourselves

This free course, Making sense of ourselves, introduces you to well-known psychological topics by asking and answering everyday questions, such as Why don’t we like one another? Why would I hang around with you? Do you see what I see? What’s the point of childhood? You’ll learn how psychologists can go about addressing these questions using ...

Free course
4 hrs
Leadership challenges in turbulent times free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Money & Business

Leadership challenges in turbulent times

Welcome to Leadership challenges in turbulent times, a free course offered by the Open University. We are excited to join you on your journey to explore leadership in the turbulent times that we live in.

Free course
6 hrs
Supporting and developing resilience in social work free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Supporting and developing resilience in social work

What does it take to become a resilient practitioner in social work? This free course, Supporting and developing resilience in social work, will guide you through some important concepts. An understanding of ‘emotional resilience’ and ‘professional leadership’ will help to guide you through taking a positive approach to problems that arise in ...

Free course
10 hrs
Introduction to child psychology free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Education & Development

Introduction to child psychology

Childhood is a time of rapid growth and development, and studying these changes is endlessly stimulating. In this free course, Introduction to child psychology, you will be introduced to the discipline of child psychology and some of the key questions that guide the understanding of childhood. These questions include 'What influences children's...

Free course
8 hrs
Exploring learning disabilities: supporting belonging free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Exploring learning disabilities: supporting belonging

This free course, Exploring learning disabilities: supporting belonging, takes the real-life cases of a number of different people to explore what it is like to have the label ‘learning disability’. The course also considers how it feels to support someone with a learning disability, as a family member, a friend, an advocate or a paid worker...

Free course
24 hrs
Infection and immunity free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Infection and immunity

In this free course, Infection and immunity, you will be introduced to infectious diseases and to the biological agents that invade our bodies and cause them: pathogens. You will also learn about the immune system, the human body’s vital defence against pathogens. Along the way you will learn about the scientific method and how it has helped ...

Free course
12 hrs
Exploring the psychological aspects of sport injury free course icon level 2: intermediate icon Badge icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Exploring the psychological aspects of sport injury

Have you ever experienced a sport injury? Have you ever thought there could be a psychological dimension to sport injuries, as well as a physical one? Sport injury is relatively common among sport and exercise participants, and while the physical impact of injury is often easy to recognise, the psychological impact is less obvious. In this ...

Free course
24 hrs
Розуміння проблем психічного здоров'я free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Розуміння проблем психічного здоров'я

За останнє століття відбулися радикальні зміни у реакції на людей, які мають проблеми з психічним здоров’ям. У цьому безкоштовному курсі «Осмислення проблем психічного здоров’я» ви дізнаєтесь про те, як ключові погляди в цій галузі сприяли осмисленню проблем психічного здоров’я людини. Безпосередньо пов’язуючи основні точки зору з тематичним ...

Free course
10 hrs
Making sense of mental health problems free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Making sense of mental health problems

Over the past century there has been a radical shift in responses to people who experience mental health problems. In this free course, Making sense of mental health problems, you will learn about how key perspectives in the field have made sense of mental health problems. By directly relating key perspectives to a case study, you will reflect ...

Free course
10 hrs
Astudio meddygaeth yn ddwyieithog free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Astudio meddygaeth yn ddwyieithog

A oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn astudio meddygaeth yn y brifysgol? Os felly, mae’r uned hon i chi. Mae’n cyflwyno nifer o ffactorau yr ydych angen eu hystyried wrth wneud cais i astudio meddygaeth, ac yn amlinellu rhai o’r manteision o astudio meddygaeth yn ddwyieithog yn y brifysgol.

Free course
1 hr
Studying medicine bilingually free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Studying medicine bilingually

Are you interested in studying medicine at university? Then if so, this unit is for you. It introduces a number of the factors that you need to think about when applying to study medicine, and outlines some of the particular advantages of studying medicine bilingually at university.

Free course
1 hr
Exploring issues in women's health free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Exploring issues in women's health

This free course, Exploring issues in women's health, will introduce social model approaches to health and wellbeing, which take as their starting point not the scientific context of the body, but the social context in which women live. The focus is on women and the impact of social and cultural factors on women's health. The course touches...

Free course
3 hrs