Health, Sports & Psychology
Social media and networks in health and social care
The focus of this free course, Social media and networks in health and social care, will be on the concept of internet safety and the possible advantages and disadvantages the internet offers in terms of health and social care. It will also explore the ethical and professional issues associated with online social networks when working in health ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Innovation in health and social care practice
This free course, Innovation in health and social care practice, focuses on how digital technology and innovation changes the expectations and job roles for health and social care practitioners. You will learn about what these expectations might be on practitioners and also about common responses and criticisms that may arise from transforming ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Digital innovation in social care and social work
This free course, Digital innovation in social care and social work, explores how digital technology has made a difference, both to the social care sector and people living in their own communities. You will also learn about how incorporating technology in the home and in community settings has a range of benefits to people's wellbeing and ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Innovation in health and social care: social and historical
This free course, Innovation in health and social care: social and historical, focuses on digital technologies and innovations in health and social care and explores the types of innovations that are available and the impact this has on the individuals using them. You will also gain an insight into the potential advantages and disadvantages of ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Understanding ADHD
This free course, Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), explores the experience of ADHD from the perspective of those who are diagnosed with the condition, and those who care for them. It covers the contribution of scientific research to understanding ADHD, with a focus on assessing the effectiveness and mechanism of ...
Money & Business
Decision trees and dealing with uncertainty
This free course introduces basic ideas of probability. It focuses on dealing with uncertainty in a financial context and explores decision trees, a powerful decision-making technique, which can help you to simplify and formulate business decisions. The course also includes videos that introduce the key ideas and guide you through numerous ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Understanding research with children and young people
The course covers why it is important to include children and young people in research about their lives. It explores what it means to carry out research with children and young people. The course gives an insight into the fundamental rights of children and young people contained in the UNCRC, it provides a framework which can underpin all ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Pyliau o banig: beth ydyn nhw a beth allwch chi ei wneud amdanyn nhw
Mae “Pyliau o banig: beth ydyn nhw, a beth i'w wneud yn eu cylch” yn gwrs rhad ac am ddim a ddylai fod o gymorth i unrhyw un sy'n profi pyliau o banig neu banig, i'w teulu a'u ffrindiau, ac i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mwy cyffredinol mewn iechyd meddwl a’i driniaeth. Mae'r cwrs yn dechrau trwy archwilio diffiniadau ffurfiol o banig a phyliau o ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar ym maes iechyd meddwl ac mewn carchardai
Mae'r cwrs rhad ac am ddim hwn, “Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar mewn Lleoliadau Iechyd Meddwl a Charchardai”, yn cyflwyno syniadau ac arferion allweddol ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, yn disgrifio sut mae'n helpu i gwnsela cleientiaid a charcharorion, a hefyd yn edrych ar rai o'r beirniadaethau y mae ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar wedi'u cael yn ystod y blynyddoedd ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Ymarfer corff ac iechyd meddwl
Yn flynyddol caiff miloedd o bunnoedd eu gwario ar feddyginiaethau i drin cyflyrau megis gorbryder ac iselder. Mae gan y meddyginiaethau hyn sgil effeithiau negyddol yn aml. Mae ymarfer corff yn driniaeth amgen sy'n isel ei chost ac yn isel o ran niferoedd o sgil effeithiau. Fel rhan o'r cwrs rhad ac am ddim hwn, Ymarfer Corff ac Iechyd Meddwl, ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
The psychology of cybercrime
In this free course, The psychology of cybercrime, you will explore different questions about cybercrime from a psychological angle in an attempt to better understand this relatively recent field of psychology. You will consider the realms and limits of cybercrime, distinguishing between the different types of cybercrime (e.g. trolling, ...
Society, Politics & Law
Why are nonhuman animals victims of harm?
In this free course, Why are nonhuman animals victims of harm? you will investigate why nonhuman animals tend to be overlooked as victims of violence. The course explores some of the social processes and structures that victimise other animals, such as ‘livestock’ farming. The course also highlights some of the environmental harms related ...