Money & Business
Розуміння вашої галузі
Цей безкоштовний курс «Зрозумій свою галузь» допоможе вам усвідомити різницю між секторами, галузями та професіями. Він також допоможе вам отримати більш глибокі знання, щоб справити враження при поданні резюме та на співбесіді. Крім того, він буде корисний, щоб скласти план дій на шляху до покращення кар’єри, який буде підходити саме для вас.
Money & Business
Understanding your sector
This free course, Understanding your sector, will help you to understand the difference between sectors, industries and professions. It will also help you to gain the inside knowledge to impress in applications and at interviews and to put together an action plan that is tailored to you.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Population ageing: a global health crisis?
This free course, Population ageing: a global health crisis?, focuses on two major issues of our time – ageing societies and global health. It provides you with an introduction to ageing societies and their implications for global health – implications which are only just beginning to be fully understood. The course will help you to deepen your ...
Money & Business
Marketing communications as a strategic function
Marketing communications help to define an organisation's relationship with its customers. This free course, Marketing communications as a strategic function, emphasises the strategic importance of such communication and its long-term effect on consumers. Communication models can act as a predictive guide, but in the end it is important to ...
Money & Business
Managing and managing people
This free course, Managing and managing people, will introduce you to the world of management. We will be looking at a range of topics, including what managers do, what skills they require, and how you can develop as a manager.
Money & Business
Understanding and managing risk
This free course, Understanding and managing risk, provides an introduction to financial risk management. The processes of risk identification, risk measurement and risk management are explored. The course then goes on to examine reputational risk and operational risk. It concludes with an examination of the subject of behavioural finance and ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Understanding depression and anxiety
This free course, Understanding depression and anxiety, explores the causes of these mental health issues, with a particular focus on stress. You will consider some risk and causal factors for some depression and anxiety disorders, and learn about the biology and psychology behind them.
Money & Business
Sure, I know how to talk to people!
This free course is one in a series focusing on leadership, decision-making and communication in the context of policing within the community. This particular session focuses on communication skills and specifically looks at how to build rapport and get the most out of conversations in community settings. It introduces a psychological model ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Exploring health: is your lifestyle really to blame?
This free course, Exploring health: is your lifestyle really to blame?, explores the extent to which a person's 'lifestyle' impacts on their health and wellbeing. It also examines how non-lifestyle related factors – in particular social, economic, cultural and political dimensions – influence a person's health.
Money & Business
Introducing the voluntary sector
This free course, Introducing the voluntary sector, will guide you through some of the distinctive features and values of the voluntary sector, how organisations are funded and involve volunteers and other ‘stakeholders’ in their work. It will also provide you with knowledge and skills you can apply to your own work or volunteering as well as ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Professional relationships with young people
In some people's eyes the development of relationships is a good end in itself, as it is in relationships that we express our humanity. Young people with few good-quality relationships in their lives often find that entering into informal relationships with adults who respect, accept, like and really listen to them is a new life experience. ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Partnerships and networks in work with young people
The term 'partnership' is used to describe a wide range of organisational arrangements and ways of working: from informal networking between individuals, to more formal partnership structures. In this free course, Partnerships and networks in work with young people, you will explore a range of meanings for the word 'partnership' and see that it ...