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Exploring teaching and learning in real and virtual worlds: Track 9


What can current theories about children’s learning and development contribute to the development of new teaching and learning methods in schools? And how are new digital technologies changing the ways children think and learn? This album introduces two elements of The Open University's presence in the virtual world Second Life™ and explores the way in which virtual worlds can offer new opportunities for teaching and learning. The album also explores some of the ways that the theories of Lev Vygotsky have influenced the use of dialogue and language in the classroom and the ways in which children and teachers interact with each other. The interviews and video tracks are introduced and contextualised by Dr Kieron Sheehy of The Open University. The material forms part of The Open University course ED841 Understanding children's development and learning.

Track 9: Studying children's development and learning

Course chair Dr Dorothy Faulkner gives an overview of Open University course ED841 Understanding children's development and learning.

Tracks in this podcast:

Track Title Description
1 Exploring teaching and learning in real and virtual worlds A short introduction to this album. Play now Exploring teaching and learning in real and virtual worlds
2 Teaching and learning in virtual worlds Dr Kieron Sheehy of The Open University talks about The Open University presence in virtual worlds. Play now Teaching and learning in virtual worlds
3 Teaching and learning in the real world Dr Kieron Sheehy of The Open University sets the scene for the interviews that follow. Play now Teaching and learning in the real world
4 Vygostsky's theories and educational practice In this archive interview Professor Harry Daniels discusses his long-standing interest in Vygotsky’s theories about cognitive development and on the ways these theories can inform educational practice. Play now Vygostsky's theories and educational practice
5 Dialogic teaching: Language and thinking Professor Neil Mercer talks about his involvment in the 'Thinking together' and 'Dialogic teaching in the Science classroom' research projects which explore the relationship between language and thinking. Play now Dialogic teaching: Language and thinking
6 A dialogic teacher's perspective Primary science teacher Diane Rawlins talks about her involvement in the dialogic teaching research project, and how her involvement influenced the way she uses talk in the classroom. Play now A dialogic teacher's perspective
7 Group work: social pedagagy and the SPRinG project Professor Maurice Galton talks about the Social Pedagogic Research into Group Work or SPRinG project, designed to improve the effectiveness of pupil groups in classrooms. Play now Group work: social pedagagy and the SPRinG project
8 A SPRinG teacher's perspective Secondary science teacher Jane Brine talks about her involvement with the SPRinG project and the benefits is has brought for her and her pupils. Play now A SPRinG teacher's perspective
9 Studying children's development and learning Course chair Dr Dorothy Faulkner gives an overview of Open University course ED841 Understanding children's development and learning. Play now Studying children's development and learning

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