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Results: 1594 items

Exploring stereotypes in STEM video icon

Education & Development

Exploring stereotypes in STEM

Who belongs to STEM? This collection of videos explores stereoptypes in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

5 mins
Year of the Snake: Chinese Lunar New Year article icon


Year of the Snake: Chinese Lunar New Year

Happy Year of the Snake! Learn more about what this year means and how to say some traditional New Year greetings to celebrate.

5 mins
Gwneud cais i brifysgol - eich canllaw cam-wrth-gam activity icon

Education & Development

Gwneud cais i brifysgol - eich canllaw cam-wrth-gam

Gall y broses o wneud cais i astudio mewn prifysgol deimlo’n gymhleth ac yn llethol - dilynwch y canllaw cam wrth gam hwn ac aros ar y trywydd iawn.

5 mins
Applying to university - your step-by-step guide activity icon

Education & Development

Applying to university - your step-by-step guide

The university application process may feel complex and overwhelming - follow this guide to get started and stay on track.

5 mins
Principles and practices of peace education free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Education & Development

Principles and practices of peace education

Principles and practices of peace education explores how peace might be built in everyday classroom practice. It can be used as individual study or as a basis for CPD with a larger group. It introduces layers of peace education for children and young people, including inner-peace and wellbeing; interpersonal peace through positive relationships ...

Free course
12 hrs
Blood and the respiratory system free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Blood and the respiratory system

‘Don’t hold your breath’ is an expression you’ve probably heard many times, but may not have thought too much about. In this free course, Blood and the respiratory system, you’ll study why respiration is so important for life, including how air enters and leaves the lungs, how oxygen is transported in the blood, the many dynamic factors that ...

Free course
10 hrs
How to be a great trans ally activity icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

How to be a great trans ally

Just like being trans, being a great trans ally is different for everyone. Learn about the importance of allyship and how you can ensure you are a trans ally in this interactive.

10 mins
Introducing Union Black free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Education & Development

Introducing Union Black

This free course, Introducing Union Black, aims to build your confidence as a change agent for equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging.

Free course
1 hr
Canllaw i astudio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn y brifysgol article icon

Education & Development

Canllaw i astudio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn y brifysgol

Mae wedi datblygu’r canllaw byr hwn i’ch helpu i baratoi at y brifysgol, gyda ffocws ar yr adnoddau a gwasanaethau sydd ar gael drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

5 mins
Guide to studying through medium of Welsh at university article icon

Education & Development

Guide to studying through medium of Welsh at university has developed this short guide to help you prepare for university, with a focus on resources and services available through the medium of Welsh.

5 mins
Broken Pipeline for Black Coaches in World Football video icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Broken Pipeline for Black Coaches in World Football

With ‘Reclaiming Narratives’ the theme for Black History Month 2024, I watched the players of African heritage showcase their talents in the Nottingham Forest v Fulham Premier League fixture in September 2024 (Calvin Bassey, Taiwo Awoniyi, Alex Iwobi and Ola Aina), but pondered if they would be given the same opportunities as their white ...

5 mins
Navigating Black Irish identity in the music of Phil Lynott article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Navigating Black Irish identity in the music of Phil Lynott

Lauren O’Hagan explores the music of Phil Lynott and how his lyrics helped him make sense of his dual identity as Black and Irish.

5 mins