Find out more about The Open University's BA/BSc (Honours) Open degree.
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Watch the other animations in this series
Study skills: one-minute tips
Check out our series of one-minute animations exploring revision tips, beating procrastination, what’s involved in a remote exam and other study skills.
What is a remote exam?
Remote exams are end-of-module assessments that you take in a location of your choice, using your own equipment. Find out more about them in this short animation.
Top tips for exam revision and preparation
How can you best prepare for an exam? This short animation gives you some top revision tips.
Beating procrastination with the Pomodoro Technique
Short bursts of action can help motivate you while you study. This short animation tells you more about the Pomodoro Technique.
The benefits of an accountability partner for neurodivergent people
Staying motivated while studying can be incredibly difficult, especially if you’re neurodivergent. This animation explains how a virtual accountability partner can help with distance learning.
Feeling more comfortable speaking English
Overthinking pronunciation and grammar can be stressful when you speak English as a non-native language. This animation explains how making mistakes is a crucial part of language learning.
Try a FREE course on study skills
Succeed with learning
This course is for people who want to feel more confident about their learning skills. Informal in approach, the course builds on each person's own qualities, knowledge and skills to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of learning and of their own potential. It introduces some core ideas about learning and academic study, and some ...
Revision and examinations
Do you get stressed at the thought of an examination? Does the idea of revision fill you with dread? This free course, Revision and examinations, will provide a host of tips to help you improve your revision and examination techniques and enable you to manage your time effectively by creating a timetable for your revision.
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