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Introducing Union Black
Introducing Union Black

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4 Stepping stones towards anti-racism

How can you be a change maker?

When the well-intentioned white person or faux ‘DEI Expert’ comes with the ‘we all have bias’, inform them: Yes, we all have biases. But, those biases are not equal. Because we don’t all have power. The power to translate that bias into an outcome for those without power.

(Dr Ijemoa Nnodim Opara on X, 2022)

The above quote reminds us that we all play a part in the journey towards equity and inclusion. Recognising that you have influence is part of being a change maker.

A colourful image with the words‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for’.
Figure 4 ‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for’.

It is important to recognise that you have control over your own thoughts and behaviour. You can be a change maker and choose to model what that looks like on a daily basis. Committing to being anti-racist and working towards being an ally is crucial. However, remember that no-one is born an ally. Allyship is a choice, an action, not an identity. An ally is only an ally in the moment of that action.